Glad I didn't take the NSX to work yesterday....

25 August 2003
Cave Creek, AZ
... because somebody, decided not to pay attention in bumper-to-bumper freeway traffic (or the car in front of Sucker plowed into me at about 30 Mph!! :mad: :mad: Totaled the rear bumper on my B'mer, not to mention my back and neck.. but for the most part im ok...just sore.

Just sitting here (in pain) thinking how close I came to taking the NSX to work yesterday.... I walked into the garage and though..."ah the traffic will suck the B'mer it is."

Man I woulda been ticked if it were the X.... I just got it last week. O well... thank god for insurance!
glad to hear your ok.

you might have migght have avoid the collision if you drove the X cuz he probably would have been starin at it.

but good thing the X didn't get hurt.
It's very natural to think like that, (cuz, i guess it will make you feel better.) But seriously if you drive the nsx, you probably already drive at a different lane, or maybe 10 cars ahead of the guy, then the accident won't happen!! Something like that was really a coincidence and I feel bad for you.

Hope your neck and back are fine, and the sore went away soon.
NSX ok

Glad to hear you're ok and the NSX was spared the incident. Interesting timing with your post and the recent media attention to traffic in the U.S. getting worse.

You might just become like me one day (and it's not a good thing ;) ). The longer I own the car, the more love I have towards it.

It's a little extreme for me to predict all possible disasters can happen to my X (i.e. door dings, vandalism, careless drivers, etc) and as it turned out, I only drive it out once a month when I truly feel comfortable there wouldn't be too many idiots driving around. May your back and neck recover as fast as the NSX.