Getting point removed from Cal Driving Record ?

26 February 2006
California Republic
Back in may of 2006, I got my first speeding ticket in 4 years. I was driving the nsx from houston, TX where I purchased it to my home in colorado at the time. The judge did not offer a driving school. He would of however, not let the point see my california driving record if I paid him an extra $100 or so. I thought he was full of crap, so I sent in my MONEY ORDER made out in HIS name in the sum of whatever the huge ticket was, per the directions I received in the mail. I thought he was just gonna screw me over anyways, and since colorado doesn't send dmv records to california, why would texas? So a few months later, my military enlistment ends adn I head home to california. I goto the nearest state farm insurance to change states and he notifies me that there is a ticket on record. It was the tx ticket, guess they do send records to california. Well, here we are, august 2007, 15 months later.

Is there a way I can get that point taken off my record here in california? I also don't want to reset the clock on the "traffic school once every 18 months" rule incase I get popped for speeding right after. That would be a total waste.

That one single point affects my insurance quote/rate by a large amount. My daily driver pickup went from 18-23/month to $36-40. The nsx went from $45/month to $65-70.
Not unless you have a connection at the DMV.

I'll bet you wished you would have paid that extra 100 spot. Sorry to hear that its coming back to haunt you now.
wow the JUDGE himself asked for 100$ extra!?!?

is this freaken legal!?:confused:
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They drop off by themselves after three years. Since you're already halfway through, I'd say just tough it out.
wow the JUDGE himself asked for 100$ extra!?!?

is this freaken legal!?:confused:

Well the cop that pulled me over told me they'd send me something in the mail in a week or two. Since the town was coming up, I figured I might as well pop in and see if I could just pay the fine then and there. It's a REALLY small town, like Mayberry. It even has a tiny two story court house that looks like something out of the book/movie "to kill a mockingbird". Anyhow, I walked up stairs, saw the sign "Judge Justice". I peek in a see this guy sitting in the back, it was the judge. He told me to just wait for the paperwork in the fine just incase the ticket gets lost or something. He then notified me that since I was from out of state, traffic school would not be an option. He would however, give me an option to pay an extra $100 on top of the fine to make sure it never sees daylight. Two weeks later, sure enough I got some paperwork in the mail. Exactly like he said, $100 and it wouldn't show up, directly on paperwork. At the very bottom it said, make money order payable to: Judge Dee J Justice.

Shame I can't find the other part of the paperwork. I think I had to send it in with the money order.
I think all DMV is connected now.You get a ticket here is shows up there. Years ago I got a ticket in Cali.,didnt pay it ,I couldnt get a renewal in Idaho.We also had a cop in Oregon (Jordon Valley) right next door .Who was making 100k a year on tickets.(his take) I think I heard he was the highest paid cop in the U.S. before he got fired.
Yep, seems Judge Dee J. Justice in Post, TX really wanted his extra cash.

Is that really his name? Any relation to this guy?

Koolaid, man I know your pain.. except I'm paying about 10 times that amount on my NSX for insurance and just recently found out why... here's the story:

Back when I was looking for my 2nd NSX, I had a rental car... I got pulled over for a non-functioning tail light that I was unaware of. The cop gave me a ticket and I called Enterprise immediately. They assured me it would be taken care of. I gave them the citation. A few months later, I am checking my DMV record and find that my license is on Hold! Which means that its just about to be suspended if no further actions are taken. So I call up the courts and find out that enterprise did jack shit with the ticket (it was a simple $10 fix it ticket). This ticket turned into a $687 ticket which of course by this time it had already went into collections... I was furious to say the least. After screaming at everyone on the phone, I finally got to someone at Enterprise who could pay the ticket. The ticket is paid for at this time but there is still this bullshit on my DMV record which I doubt I can do much to remove this. I could be wrong though?

I am considering taking them to court over the whole situation but I doubt it will do much. Any suggestions?? :frown: