Getting older does have it's perks

1 October 2006
Memphis TN
Hi everyone,
Well since i been trying to get an NSX i have noticed a good thing about getting (a little :smile: ) older. Alot of you probably know that i tried to purchase one but the deal fell through. A had already purchased the insurance for the car and it was going to be $760yr. I thought that was pretty good. When the deal didn't go through i had to cancel the policy but before it could be canceled i received a letter from the insurance co. I had been quoted the wrong rate and the policy was reduced so i was paying $562yr. Wow what a rate on a 175mph car!:eek:

(not that old)
5 something a yr., cool I can't wait till I get that old! LOL. Good luck on your search.
Greg Z said:
5 something a yr., cool I can't wait till I get that old! LOL. Good luck on your search.

"that old!" Ouch

lol, thanks
My wife and I both turned 50 this year and our insurance went down 25%.

That's nice and all, but I would gladly pay more for a few of those years back. :)
DDankew said:
Could it be where you live too? My insurance costs $ 377 for 6 months.
Could be but i live in memphis. Here they are as likely to steal your car with you in it as when your not. Also some of the worst drivers of any city that i have seen.:frown:
comtec said:
<snip> i have noticed a good thing about getting (a little :smile: ) older. <snip>
(not that old)
i'm now 53 and find there are a ton of great things that come with maturing / seasoning... ahem, "getting older". car insurance is just one of them. of course, there are some downsides as well.

overall, i wouldn't roll the clock back a single year - my approach has been to live life with my hair on fire while doing my best to be a good father and friend to those around me.

aarp card? yeah, had one. used it to light the bbq last weekend.
(nsx license plate: VYACURA ;)
:mad:You guys are soooo lucky!!! Here in Vancouver, BC, insurance for my '91 is $4000Cdn before any discounts!! Can you believe that!! Even after 43% discount I am paying around $2300Cdn, or equiv ~$2000USD!! Double of what you guys are paying!! I wanna move to the south of the border!!:mad:
blackna1 said:
:mad:You guys are soooo lucky!!! Here in Vancouver, BC, insurance for my '91 is $4000Cdn before any discounts!! Can you believe that!! Even after 43% discount I am paying around $2300Cdn, or equiv ~$2000USD!! Double of what you guys are paying!! I wanna move to the south of the border!!:mad:

We always have room in the Chicago Area for one more NSX.:biggrin:
The Golden years can kiss my A$$. As some of the guys say around here:

"I'll gladly trade you some of my senority for some of your youth":cool:
Hal_396 said:
The Golden years can kiss my A$$. As some of the guys say around here:

"I'll gladly trade you some of my senority for some of your youth":cool:

Hal, i'm not that old yet. :smile:
comtec said:
Hal, i'm not that old yet. :smile:

AGE: It is both a state of mind and a level of physical ability.
It is NOT totally chronological.
It is "fact" owning a sports car can slow the aging process; owning an NSX slows the aging process the most of all the sports cars available. :wink: :biggrin:
Bob Kenney said:
AGE: It is both a state of mind and a level of physical ability.
It is NOT totally chronological.
It is "fact" owning a sports car can slow the aging process; owning an NSX slows the aging process the most of all the sports cars available. :wink: :biggrin:

Sweet, i can't wait. :smile:
Bob Kenney said:
AGE: It is both a state of mind and a level of physical ability.
It is NOT totally chronological.
It is "fact" owning a sports car can slow the aging process; owning an NSX slows the aging process the most of all the sports cars available. :wink: :biggrin:

I am counting on that fact...:smile:

A younger woman helps too:wink:
blackna1 said:
:mad:You guys are soooo lucky!!! Here in Vancouver, BC, insurance for my '91 is $4000Cdn before any discounts!! Can you believe that!! Even after 43% discount I am paying around $2300Cdn, or equiv ~$2000USD!! Double of what you guys are paying!! I wanna move to the south of the border!!:mad:

You guys in Canada (and even more in the US) are sooooo lucky.:rolleyes:

Here in The Netherlands, Europe the insurance for my '98 has been quoted 6.800 Euro/9.800Can/$8.650US

Mostly as a result of it's new value here of about 130.000 Euro/186.500Can/$165.300US (thanks to our taxes:mad: )

Even after my max discount of 75% it still comes to 1.700 Euro:frown: