getting a test drive..

15 March 2005
i was wondering how you nsx owners had got your first nsx drive-test drive???my last nsx drive was a 92 that i drove at a local high end used car place in 1997!!!!..its funny, because i can go down to our local ferrari- lambo dealership and test drive a new gallardo, an 04 murcielago, and 360 and 575 ferraris....carrera S are lined up at p car dealerships and i test driven one several times and my friend at our chevy dealership is arranging a test drive of a new z06...but there are no nsx for sale within 150 miles of me, the car is VERY RARE!!!! it looks like my next test drive will be a prepurchase test of one of the cars i am looking at across the country
I went to the local Acura dealer (Pikes Peak Acura in Colorado Springs) and had a ridiculous experience. They had a 96 for sale, but they wanted me to buy it first before I drove it. They guaranteed that I would like it or they would cancel all the paperwork.

Absurd. Like I'm going to go through all that trouble and treatment.

They may have one of the best NSX mechanics in the region, but their used car sales department is run by a bunch of idiots. Come on, man, it's only a $40,000 car. Most of the SUVs they are selling are worth more than that.

I found a simple used car lot selling another one, and they let me take it out for an hour or so. Alone.

Once I bought my car from somewhere else, I was tempted to take it by and show them that they lost my business, and I gladly tell anyone about this story anytime it comes up.
Test drive! Who needs a test drive.

I flew to Chicago from Philly to buy my NSX, whithout ever sitting in a NSX, let alone drive one.

Ya know, when you know what you want...
I worked at a dealership, thats how I got my first test drive! I didn't even know what the car was at the time. Shortly after driving it I knew I had to have one however.

When I bought my car, my first drive was after the plane trip to pick it up and drive it home! I made the deal, had it inspected by an Acura dealer and flew out to pick it up.
heathbar0 said:
Test drive! Who needs a test drive.

I flew to Chicago from Philly to buy my NSX, whithout ever sitting in a NSX, let alone drive one.

Ya know, when you know what you want...

I pretty much did the same thing. I knew I wanted one and this was the car for me. I only test drove it to compare it to another nsx I was interested in to see if there was any difference between the two cars which was a 91 and 92.
heathbar0 said:
Test drive! Who needs a test drive.

I flew to Chicago from Philly to buy my NSX, whithout ever sitting in a NSX, let alone drive one.

Ya know, when you know what you want...

I didn't test drive either. I had a friend take me to where I was meeting the owner of the car 3hrs away in case I didn't like it. I had the check in hand and when I got there I took it for a spin around the block but knew in my mind that I was getting it regardless.
I didn't test my 2nd one either. Had it flat bedded to my work from S. FL.
I found on on Ebay that was almist exactly what I was looking for. 95 NSX-T in Green / tan. The car did not reach the reserve so I made a deal with the seller, wired funds, and had the car shipped to me in Phila.

I was looking for a car from the southeast /southwest for weather reasons. The northeast can be brutal on cars with salt, rocks, and potholes. To be fair, I did carfax the car and do a brief background check on the owner before wiring the funds.

So far so good.
Funny because I went to those punk a$$es down at PP Acura used lot at motor city at the bottom and those jerks, one in particular like to crack stupid jokes. Then one joker wouldn't leave me the f#ck alone! I told him EXACTLY what I wanted, so he goes and retrieves a handful of cars from the other lot of exactly NOT what I want. Dude.... So whenever i go by and see something neat, I'll park next to the car, check it out, when I see the goobers pop their heads out of the office like a bunch of praire dogs, I jump in my truck and I'm off! So have you seen anymore NSX's in our local area??? I want one.... now......

PaulL said:
I went to the local Acura dealer (Pikes Peak Acura in Colorado Springs) and had a ridiculous experience. They had a 96 for sale, but they wanted me to buy it first before I drove it. They guaranteed that I would like it or they would cancel all the paperwork.

Absurd. Like I'm going to go through all that trouble and treatment.

They may have one of the best NSX mechanics in the region, but their used car sales department is run by a bunch of idiots. Come on, man, it's only a $40,000 car. Most of the SUVs they are selling are worth more than that.

I found a simple used car lot selling another one, and they let me take it out for an hour or so. Alone.

Once I bought my car from somewhere else, I was tempted to take it by and show them that they lost my business, and I gladly tell anyone about this story anytime it comes up.
It was 1998, I took my fiance to the auto show because she wanted to buy a cadillac and I told her there were much better cars in the world. I threw her on the back of my CBR600 and drove her to the Lexus Dealer to show her the SC300. We then went to the auto show and looked at the Toyota Supra and NSX.

Went to the Toyota dealer, they had an NSX 1994 White AUTO used for sale and I test drove it with her, and hated it! I really don't care for the auto NSX.

That day we purchased a brand spanking new 2k mile demo Red/Black 1997 Toyota Supra TT Anniv. Edition. For her, of course. I then drooled over the Yellow (first yellow I had ever seen) NSX-T at the car show again the next day and decided some day I would own one in red or yellow.

Took me almost 10 years, but I now have my 1995 NSX-T in Red/Tan, and I'll let almost anyone in it. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! :)
KooLaid said:
Funny because I went to those punk a$$es down at PP Acura used lot at motor city at the bottom and those jerks, one in particular like to crack stupid jokes. Then one joker wouldn't leave me the f#ck alone! I told him EXACTLY what I wanted, so he goes and retrieves a handful of cars from the other lot of exactly NOT what I want. Dude.... So whenever i go by and see something neat, I'll park next to the car, check it out, when I see the goobers pop their heads out of the office like a bunch of praire dogs, I jump in my truck and I'm off! So have you seen anymore NSX's in our local area??? I want one.... now......

Uh, what? I didn't understand a one word you just said.
Hmmmmm I don't think I'll explain but that was in response to someone mentioning a local dealer in our town. You HAVE to have dealt with them to understand really. They're basically the beggars of car salesmen, and literaly, stalk, their potential customers. That is, both types, stalk like a hyena stalks his prey, and as a psycho who stalks some person calling persistantly just to hear them talk.