Get rid of Antenna, new paint

5 September 2000
Oh, so I finaly got to repaint the car and while I was at it, I eliminated the antenna, that was coolest mode I done in the long time...

<img src="" width="1024" height="680" alt="NSX1" /></a>
<img src="" width="1024" height="680" alt="NSX2" /></a>
<img src="" width="1024" height="680" alt="NSX4" /></a>
<img src="" width="1024" height="680" alt="NSX3" /></a>

Now that I have the car back, I was thinking in mid/end September. I'll post plans under norteaster forum :)


Wow, what a difference! What is the name of the color?

Also, what kind / size of wheels do you have?
Great color. What is it??

I went through so many different colors and the paint guy hated me to the bone when I was done. LOL But it is 99% of the Honda Polished Metal Metallic Paint Code NH737M, then I ask him to give few drops of Formula black to make it darker.

It was tig welded with blank aluminum plate cut out to the shape of the hole.

Don't have too many pictures, but here is another (getting the stereo redone now)


<img src="" width="400" height="602" alt="NSX5" /></a>
What replaced the antenna? Did you use one of those hidden ones? If so what's the reception like?

I did not replace the antenna, I use iPhone and streem radio stations from the Internet. The sound is pretty good, and most of the stations that I listen to are on the net.

I have a pretty stealth antenna a little smaller than a Snickers bar taped to the rear glass in the corner. Reception is pretty good but not as good as a telescoping mast antenna of course.

was removing the side reflectors not part of plan either?

Or do you need to endure some sort of annual/bi-annual vehicle inspection which looks for these kinds of things?

Nice work on the antenna shaving though. Ever since the face-lift, I always felt the antenna had no place on the NA2.
It's about time, I was tired of looking at that door:biggrin:Im ready for a little Mt Fuji run:biggrin: Twisties, not the straight-aways:redface: