Get cameras ready for perigee full moon 3/19

28 March 2002
For all you shutterbugs out there, Saturday night, 3/19, will be a super "perigee full moon". This occurs when the moon is at its closest orbit to the Earth. It last occurred in March 1993 and will not occur again until 2029. The full moon will be 14% larger and 30% brighter than moons that occur on the apogee side of the moon's orbit.

The moon will be rising in the East at sunset and will look especially large due to the "moon illusion" when a low-hanging moon is set against trees, buildings or other foreground objects.
How are you going to shoot it bob . f22 at 1/250 ? thanks.........Bill. i've got a canon 50d and a 28mm 300L if it dose not RAIN!!! i'll be in the good.OH thanks for the heads up
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How are you going to shoot it bob . f22 at 1/250 thanks.........Bill. i've got a canon 50d and a 28mm 300L if it dose not RAIN!!! i'll be in the good

Haven't seen a moon this bright since we were shooting film so I am not sure what my settings will be yet. If we get lucky with the weather I may try both my 100-400 and 28-300 and also try my 2x on the 400. Problem with the 2x is that it prevents autofocus and my eyesight just isn't good enough to focus manually at night.

Don't forget to try a mirror lockup as well to reduce camera shake even more than by just relying on the IS feature of your 28-300.