Geneva Autoshow 2003 pictures

I love the Ford GT... however... umm don't you think.. the engine is a bit tooo close to the cabin?
Superb site!! Very well-taken pictures. Really capture the cars extremely well.

Love the Aston Martin AMV8 (also to be known as the DB5). Best part is that WYSWYG (how's that for an acronym harking back to the past!!
), as the car is in near-production form. Anticipated MSRP: $85,000, which would put it squarely in Porsche territory.

Hi everybody,

Fisrtly, thanks for your nice comments !

About the Porsche 356... I don't think that Porsche is going to come with a new 356...The pictures that I took are from the PGO 356 RSR. PGO is a French manufacturer who builds Porsche 356 replica (based on the Peugeot 206 frame if my memory is correct)
