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Gauging interest in this idea; Cars, Cards and Cooking

18 January 2010
All over CA
Hey everyone,

I miss the Prime that used to be, where we would all get together (outside of LMR's drives) on occasion and hang out. Instead of disappearing into the abyss I decided to see if there was any interest in this idea...which I am calling Cars, Cards and Cooking (working title)

Basic premise:

Once a month (possibly less/more depending on popularity) we could have a bunch of Primers get together for a poker game/car event (i.e. 24 Hours of LeMans) and make it a pot luck style dinner. I would make sure to coordinate with any upcoming drives/meets so there isn't a conflicting schedule.

I would host this event at my home where there is always plenty of street parking (driveway space available for cars that aren't [MENTION=25247]MexiRicer[/MENTION] low)

Would anyone here be interesting in attending that type of thing? girlfriends, significant others, friends/family are always welcome I think it could be a lot of fun, but everyone here knows I'm kind of looney. Thoughts? Lets discuss this people.
Sounds like a good idea. We can talk about it at the meet this week, that is if you show up LOL :wink:
I love to eat, as all of you know! So count me in for food!! As for poker, I'm terrible, I might as well just give you my money and call it a night LOL
Not me. Not a card player.

Patty, you don't have to play. You're always welcome at my home

I love to eat, as all of you know! So count me in for food!! As for poker, I'm terrible, I might as well just give you my money and call it a night LOL

Door is always open Mario :biggrin:
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MexiRicer low LOL. I do make it up and down your driveway no problem thanks to my front cup kit :p I like this idea!

I know you make it up, but only because of your lift kit...others may not be as fortunate to have such niceties on their cars.

Where do you live, Jonathan?

I live in Fullerton
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I'd love to give it a whirl. With a 4 year old and a 3 month old it is hard to get out of the house anymore; but I'd like to. I would throw out meeting for coffee in the morning too (cars and coffee, but less about all cars and more like breakfast of NSX owners).
I'd be happy to host on occasion as well...
we bought a house in Riverside off Van Buren
Plenty of parking on property and quiet street
I have a couple sets of poker chips too