Gallery Missing?

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
Hi Lud,

I added and deleted some more pics to my gallery today and lo and behold, the fact that I even have a gallery on Prime is missing. However, when I drill down into my User CP, it shows that I do.

I first noticed it after I deleted some redundant pics. To get to my gallery, I usually click on the gallery tab and then go to my user name. My user name doesn't show up as having a gallery and it's not listed in my member name that appears next to my posts as well.

Your help is appreciated.
Yes something is wrong with the gallery. I am trying to get it fixed but it is more complicated than I expected. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is why I hate plug-ins and other third party stuff that integrates with vBulletin.
No.. It appears the version in place is not entirely compatible w/ the current version, and when I tried to upgrade the gallery software it did not work properly so I reverted it back to the existing version. I think I may need to do some transitional upgrades instead of trying to go straight from the existing to most recent version. I will not have time to get back into that until December.
Hey Lud, the gallery is still not working for me and won't accept video now either.

I can't figure out how to fix it. I'm going to try to pay the company that sells the mod to upgrade and sort it out, as they do paid installations and upgrades.