FYI regarding JH4NA1268RT000316

18 August 2012
Dear NSXPrime community, I recently sold my beloved 1994 Green NSX Auto (VIN: JH4NA1268RT000316) to a person who claimed they loved NSXs and who wanted to have this NSX as part of their personal collection and not to resell (they also happen to be an auto broker). Less than two weeks later, I see the car advertised on his website for sale (with a tremendous mark up, no less). I know that now that it is his car, he can do whatever he wants with it - but I was tremendously picky about who I would and would not sell my car to and definitely feel duped. Personally, I feel quite hurt because I would have never sold him the car if I knew he was just looking to make a profit rather than enjoy it for what it is. Here is the new listing:

It is indeed a tremendous car (and is probably one of the best maintained NSXs out there), but he is currently asking $43.9k for it. If anyone wants any information on this car, including the price the recent sale price of our transaction, please PM me. I feel that he not only betrayed my trust but also is trying to pull a fast one on the NSX community! Not cool!
Sounds familiar. I got a browbeating from a guy that tried to get me to relinquish my recent purchase to him at my cost. Said, he had gotten to the car first and was entitled. After a little listening (and joking around), he loosened up and confessed that he had owned "dozens" of these cars. I let the comment go but chalked it up to a flipper. I don't really care that he flips them, I care that I let that influence what I may sell it for. That subtle difference is probably what you are referring to above. It stinks, you cannot get it back, but your post will shed light on the car to the next seller.
If you got the price you wanted what do you care what he does with the car? I never understand when people say they are picky about who they sell a car to. It's a car - if you want to sell it and you get your price what difference does it make?
I understand your feeling of betrayal by the buyer because, no doubt, he sold you a bill of goods when he was buying your car and maybe got some money knocked off the selling price by doing so but I tend to agree with the above poster in that you should not really care what he does with the car. Some folks are in the "car flipping" business. The show "Chasing Cars" comes to mind. They are in the business of making money and that is what drives them. I'd be no good at it because I love cars too much and would get attached to them. Remember it's just a car however you may have been attached to it.
This seems all too familiar to me now! I've been searching for the right car for months now. Every time I'm close, the seller ends up selling to "TOG" (The Other Guy) for literally less than $250 more than our agreed upon price. This has happened 3 times to me over the past few months and EVERY TIME, within 2 weeks, I see the car re-listed for sale by a dealer or a flipper at a massive mark-up. The 4th car I was close on, the seller inexplicably flaked. My guess is either emotional attachment or they have bought in to the hype and think they will be able to get those insane prices that are currently listed out there!

Here are 2 of the VINs I was close on (to the point of bank checks being cut!):
The 3rd and 4th ones, I'm probably better off not posting for now....

So far, I have not seen any of the cars re-trade yet at the higher prices telling me there are more people trying to buy to flip rather than own. These dealers are in the market to move cars, not speculate on price action, so my guess is that it wont be terribly long before they break price to move the cars. From what I can see right now, there are MANY more dealers and flippers that have cars for sale rather than actual owners. It just tells me there are more people who have bought in to the recent hype with all the articles about collectivity than actual end owners.

All that being said, I'm still in the market :wink:
Unfortunate that the seller was deceptive. While there is nothing wrong with auto dealers trying to make some money, honesty is always nice.

As for me, I am glad to hear an update on where Grybrd's old NSX is. That car was the first time I experienced an automatic NSX and it was very eye opening. Sharp color combination and a nice driving vehicle.
Never driven an NSX w/ an auto tranny. How was it "eye opening"?
Unfortunate that the seller was deceptive. While there is nothing wrong with auto dealers trying to make some money, honesty is always nice.

But then go back to my original point which is why does it matter? If you want to sell a car and the buyer pays your price then who cares about "honesty"? And if you took less because of some "story" the buyer told you then it's your own fault for coming off your price rather than waiting. In this instance, the seller knew he was selling his nsx to a broker so that should have been a red flag if he didn't want the car to be flipped but once again, I just don't understand this strange attachment to a vehicle you are selling anyway and "caring" who buys it.

It's a car - you're not giving up a baby or puppy for adoption..........
Never driven an NSX w/ an auto tranny. How was it "eye opening"?


Each to their own I guess, but I don't like being lied to. I agree that if you are selling it to a auto broker it should be pretty obvious that the guy is going to flip it, but if he flat out said he wanted to keep it as his personal car, I would be a bit upset that he lied. Perhaps it is different being an attorney where you deal with people lying all the time :P Then again, I am also the type of person who gets emotionally attached to cars, so maybe I am just an oddball.


I thought it would suck, but it didn't. The automatic transmission shifted pretty aggressively and would run the RPMs up before upshifting if you kept your foot on the throttle. It was smarter about the shifting than other automatic transmission cars I have driven (such as this piece of shit Ford Focus loaner car I am currently driving).


RSO 34; said:
But then go back to my original point

Each to their own I guess, but I don't like being lied to. I agree that if you are selling it to a auto broker it should be pretty obvious that the guy is going to flip it, but if he flat out said he wanted to keep it as his personal car, I would be a bit upset that he lied. Perhaps it is different being an attorney where you deal with people lying all the time :P Then again, I am also the type of person who gets emotionally attached to cars, so maybe I am just an oddball.
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Thanks everyone for your opinions - just to clarify, my main point (personal feelings aside) was that I did not want the NSX community to get ripped off, as this community has done a lot for me and I appreciate it.
Sounds familiar. I got a browbeating from a guy that tried to get me to relinquish my recent purchase to him at my cost. Said, he had gotten to the car first and was entitled. After a little listening (and joking around), he loosened up and confessed that he had owned "dozens" of these cars. I let the comment go but chalked it up to a flipper. I don't really care that he flips them, I care that I let that influence what I may sell it for. That subtle difference is probably what you are referring to above. It stinks, you cannot get it back, but your post will shed light on the car to the next seller.

I would like to know who else has owned " Dozens" of these. I didn't think anyone else could claim that like I could :)
Figured I would save RSO some effort and repost what I said from my cached' version:

Never driven an NSX w/ an auto tranny. How was it "eye opening"?

I thought it would suck, but it didn't. The automatic transmission shifted pretty aggressively and would run the RPMs up before upshifting if you kept your foot on the throttle. It was smarter about the shifting than other automatic transmission cars I have driven (such as this piece of shit Ford Focus loaner car I am currently driving).

RSO 34; said:
But then go back to my original point
Each to their own I guess, but I don't like being lied to. I agree that if you are selling it to a auto broker it should be pretty obvious that the guy is going to flip it, but if he flat out said he wanted to keep it as his personal car, I would be a bit upset that he lied. Perhaps it is different being an attorney where you deal with people lying all the time :P Then again, I am also the type of person who gets emotionally attached to cars, so maybe I am just an oddball.
Figured I would save RSO some effort and repost what I said from my cached' version:

I thought it would suck, but it didn't. The automatic transmission shifted pretty aggressively and would run the RPMs up before upshifting if you kept your foot on the throttle. It was smarter about the shifting than other automatic transmission cars I have driven (such as this piece of shit Ford Focus loaner car I am currently driving).

Each to their own I guess, but I don't like being lied to. I agree that if you are selling it to a auto broker it should be pretty obvious that the guy is going to flip it, but if he flat out said he wanted to keep it as his personal car, I would be a bit upset that he lied. Perhaps it is different being an attorney where you deal with people lying all the time :P Then again, I am also the type of person who gets emotionally attached to cars, so maybe I am just an oddball.

Sorry for that. I was trying to quote and reply but somehow I ended up editing your post.

We may disagree on some points here but I sincerely didn't mean to alter your post and do apologize for inadvertently editing what you wrote. :redface:
Sorry for that. I was trying to quote and reply but somehow I ended up editing your post.

We may disagree on some points here but I sincerely didn't mean to alter your post and do apologize for inadvertently editing what you wrote. :redface:
I used to moderate on a very large gaming website and found myself doing *exactly* what you did, so don't worry I totally understand and am not bothered in the least. It happens.

That's also why I knew it would be easier for me to recreate it than for you :)
Thanks for understanding. Even though being a Mod is a thankless unpaid position, I do take it seriously and do not want to give the impression that I am the type to abuse the power to the detriment of our members.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks everyone for your opinions - just to clarify, my main point (personal feelings aside) was that I did not want the NSX community to get ripped off, as this community has done a lot for me and I appreciate it.

Curious as to what you mean by "ripped off"? Is the condition of the car being misrepresented?
RSO we DO appreciate all you do being a Mod on this site!! And agree - once I sell a car, I can't really be upset with what becomes of it after the fact. And, to another's comment - I've had it happen only once, where I had an agreed price to buy a sellers car, and brought a check the next day to purchase only to have the seller say "well, I had another offer that was $200 more than ours, so if you want it I'll need another $200". I unpolitely told the guy to take his 240Z and stick it up his rear end ---- nothing less classy than for a seller to do that (IMHO). On my current NSX, the seller received several offers at higher prices than what we agreed upon, and to his credit honored our original deal (which is what I would do).