Future Owner =]

19 April 2009
Mid Atlantic Area
Hey Prime,

I've been perusing these forums for a while now reading and researching as much as I can on these beautiful machines for future reference. I've wanted one ever since I laid eyes on a picture of one!

I'm mostly looking to get something 02+, since I'm a fan of the non flip-out head light look. Heck, I'll take a converted NA1! But I probably won't be purchasing one anytime too soon, since the price tag on them is a little beyond me right now..

So, hopefully, with a little help from you guys, I'll be well on my way to joining the elite ranks of NSX owners.

Be easy Everyone!
Virginia Beach
Welcome :) I am not sure that NSX owners should be considererd elite, but we are very fortunate to be able to own such a special automobile.

I was not a fan of the 02+ headlights but they are slowly growing on me. I doubt I would ever convert mine but quite a few have.
Welcome, LOL :biggrin: damn, I love them both if only I have spare $$ to buy 02+ model in the future. There is something about NSX flip-up headlights I never bore of looking at.
Take your time and get the one you like. I waited years, and many have waited much longer than that. I tucked away the dream until it was a reality. Then I had one day off from work and just pulled the trigger out of the blue.
Welcome, LOL :biggrin: damn, I love them both if only I have spare $$ to buy 02+ model in the future. There is something about NSX flip-up headlights I never bore of looking at.

it's basically asking, which supermodel would you like to hook up with?

either way, you're hookin up with a supermodel!

but yeah. I'm def gonna take my time and peruse, since the prices are a little beyond me. However, there's a small chance I can pick up a black 91, clean history, 89k miles for under 20k.

but that's beside the point!

does anyone know about this gem right here? no one's commented on it and was wondering if anyone knew the user/owner or the car?

