Future NSX Owner

4 November 2006
Glendale, AZ
It is nice to be with like minded people. In the last week or so I went to the SEMA show in Vegas. As I was drooling over the NSX's, a few special people stopped to talk about the beautiful NSX lines etc. I saw a killer VeilSide kit NSX, yellow NSX, silver Planet Acura NSX, and a few others. Met a really nice guy by the name of Alexander from Team Allstars (prime member). I joined nsxprime, ordered two books (Acura Nsx by Brian long, and Acura Honda performance portfolio). I was de-virginized by a 92 Auto Nsx on a (test drive). It was a red 92 automatic. The test drive was great got it sideways a few times. I was really impressed by the auto I am sure the manual tranny is even better. Almost forgot to mention how solid the car felt even with 167k miles on it. It has been a great week. I am looking forward to owning an exotic that I have been dreaming about since 1990! I am truly glad to be a part of the community. :biggrin: NSX in my Heart, Mind, and Dreams

I don't have one, and you see my post count. This place is addictive (if you have a little class you'll fit right in).

When you get one - pics are mandatory :biggrin:
PLYTME said:
It is nice to be with like minded people. In the last week or so I went to the SEMA show in Vegas. As I was drooling over the NSX's, a few special people stopped to talk about the beautiful NSX lines etc. I saw a killer VeilSide kit NSX, yellow NSX, silver Planet Acura NSX, and a few others. Met a really nice guy by the name of Alexander from Team Allstars (prime member). I joined nsxprime, ordered two books (Acura Nsx by Brian long, and Acura Honda performance portfolio). I was de-virginized by a 92 Auto Nsx on a (test drive). It was a red 92 automatic. The test drive was great got it sideways a few times. I was really impressed by the auto I am sure the manual tranny is even better. Almost forgot to mention how solid the car felt even with 167k miles on it. It has been a great week. I am looking forward to owning an exotic that I have been dreaming about since 1990! I am truly glad to be a part of the community. :biggrin: NSX in my Heart, Mind, and Dreams
Welcome OJ, to the PHX club!

When you are ready to get one, and if you need any help, let us know!
NSXPrime is a good website for both owners and non-owners. Do the research, then purchase.

I was also at the SEMA show last week, I was amazed to see the NSX represent and still holding its own!!
Welcome to this group. When I joined this group I didn't have a NSX yet either, but beware, once you start looking at all the pictures of them and talking to everyone you will want one in a terrible kind of way. Next thing you know, you'll be standing at the pawnshop with your Rolex and your PS2.(Man, they don't give much for PS2's anymore!) LOL, all kidding aside, I didn't plan on buying 1 so quick when I joined but quickly became obsessed(just ask any of my friends & family) and spent ALOT of hours on the internet thoughout the day searching for the right one at the right price. I learned alot in those weeks too about what kind of NSX you get for your money . If I can be of any assistance feel free to PM me. Greg Z
Thanks for the replies and the warm welcome. My plan is to purchase a NSX by January. Until then I will post and continue to do my research. As soon as I am ready I will definitely put out an ALL CALL for help with my purchase. I look forward to meeting with fellow NSX lovers in AZ.
We're looking for SEMA pics. Got any?