Future NSX Owner / Not a Newbie

6 January 2010
New York
Hey whats going on everyone, I have been in love with two cars since i was a child.
The NSX and Evolution.

I can go on forever about everything but ill just keep it short.
Have a time attack built evolution 8, i tune and also build as well.
However I am now anxious for an NSX now because I am moving down South =]

Hope to meet some of the great community!
When I was a child Mitsubishi didn't build cars. :eek:
Mitsubishi Motors was founded in 1970.
I guess I am not a newbie either!
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Mitsubishi Motors is a spin off of Mitsubishi Heavy-Industries in Nagasaki who made the famed Zero fighter during WWII. (my dad splashed six of them)
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