Funny yet serious new nsx craigslist post.

Now how would that make you feel if you are someone who is trying to get an actual job, paying job, in the auto industry?

In my former profession it was called "Shiny Jet Syndrome" and it made those of us who worked our way up the hard way for our jobs sick to our stomachs to see some jackoff screaming "me, me, I'll do it for free. I would do ANYTHING to do that." What do you think that does to salaries? We had union groups in the regional airlines that were made up of young inexperienced pilots with "shiny jet syndrome" that actually took drastic pay cuts when management dangled the carrot of new shiny jets in front of them. "Me, me, I'll do that for free." That's how the race to the bottom begins. :mad:
Thats why most people that work in the auto industry are making crazy low wages. They enjoy what they are doing so much they are willing to work for next to nothing.
Hey guys this thread wasn't meant to offend anyone specially not those in the auto industry, I found it kinda funny and decided to share it that's all.:biggrin:
Thats why most people that work in the auto industry are making crazy low wages. They enjoy what they are doing so much they are willing to work for next to nothing.

was this tongue in cheek? last i knew, thanks to unions, people in the UAW are ridiculously overpaid. maybe that changed a bit with the bailouts, i dunno.
guys you found my ad LOL

that guy sounds like me its scary

I was going to say it was you Shawn...than I saw your post...confirmed:biggrin:
was this tongue in cheek? last i knew, thanks to unions, people in the UAW are ridiculously overpaid. maybe that changed a bit with the bailouts, i dunno.

How does $32k a year sound to you? Overpaid? Unions always eat their young and the UAW signed a b scale for all new hires in 2011. The gravy train is over, unless you are already at the trough.

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How does $32k a year sound to you? Overpaid? Unions always eat their young and the UAW signed a b scale for all new hires in 2011. The gravy train is over, unless you are already at the trough.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

sounds much more reasonable than what they were making before, but skewed a bit to the downside now.
The video game industry is all about i will do it for free. That is why 99.9% of the games suck. Back when I started only the true video game developers were doing this because we loved it. Now with all the stupid little schools who put out TV commercials about making games have flooded the market with losers who had no dreams or talent and saw a commercial on TV and thought they could do that. I wonder if every job out there is like this now because I see commercials for everything that use to require talent and skill.
How does $32k a year sound to you? Overpaid? Unions always eat their young and the UAW signed a b scale for all new hires in 2011. The gravy train is over, unless you are already at the trough.

$32K may sound good for factory workers in the future. They are competing directly against Chinese workers who, when I last heard, were happy to make $200 per month.
How does $32k a year sound to you? Overpaid? Unions always eat their young and the UAW signed a b scale for all new hires in 2011. The gravy train is over, unless you are already at the trough.

$32K may sound good for factory workers in the future. They are competing directly against Chinese workers who, when I last heard, were happy to make $200 per month.

I just saw an interview on MSNBC where the guy believed that by 2015 the playing field for manufacturing will once again be even. Wages and manufacturing costs have gone up in China. Add exchange rate and shipping cost and by 2015 it should be a wash.
I just saw an interview on MSNBC where the guy believed that by 2015 the playing field for manufacturing will once again be even. Wages and manufacturing costs have gone up in China. Add exchange rate and shipping cost and by 2015 it should be a wash.

If this were to happen between now and 2015, it would mean an effective
20-fold increase in their salary/adjustment in exchange rate over the next three years to equal the present average US salary.
What I find frustrating is that they only show the car in Detroit, and it's not at the Washington DC Auto Show, or the Philadelphia Auto Show, or anywhere else.
As far as I am concerned it was the Unions that destroyed the American auto manufacturers. They are now faced with having to earn back customers after destroying what once was a die-hard loyalty.
$32K may sound good for factory workers in the future. They are competing directly against Chinese workers who, when I last heard, were happy to make $200 per month.

Current wage for unskilled/simple labour in China is closer to $400/month. My firm does quite a bit of manufacturing overseas, and I promise you that is very accurate.

Ironically, the push in China is to try to move to more automation to reduce labour costs. $400 month is expensive when machines run 24/7 for free.

I just saw an interview on MSNBC where the guy believed that by 2015 the playing field for manufacturing will once again be even. Wages and manufacturing costs have gone up in China. Add exchange rate and shipping cost and by 2015 it should be a wash.

By 2015? The guy on MSNBC is an idiot, see post above. Even with raising at 20% per year it would take decades for that to happen. And then they'll just move to the next low cost wage country.
Current wage for unskilled/simple labour in China is closer to $400/month. My firm does quite a bit of manufacturing overseas, and I promise you that is very accurate.

Ironically, the push in China is to try to move to more automation to reduce labour costs. $400 month is expensive when machines run 24/7 for free.

By 2015? The guy on MSNBC is an idiot, see post above. Even with raising at 20% per year it would take decades for that to happen. And then they'll just move to the next low cost wage country.
99% of businesses aren't as complicated as building an airplane.

Hell, even all these "made in the USA" cars we have now really have 95% of the parts made in china. "final assembly" in the USA is more accurate.
99% of businesses aren't as complicated as building an airplane.

Hell, even all these "made in the USA" cars we have now really have 95% of the parts made in china. "final assembly" in the USA is more accurate.

I agree with your characterization of the airplane biz. Complicated is an understatement.

I disagree with your characterization of the "country of source" auto parts composition as your statement is quite inaccurate and not factual.

Although the Tamoske Superior Auto Company makes their parts in coldshops on the dark side of Jupiter's moon, Ganymede with cloned-slave labor.
was this tongue in cheek? last i knew, thanks to unions, people in the UAW are ridiculously overpaid. maybe that changed a bit with the bailouts, i dunno.

The guy was wanting to work in the Design Studio, not on the factory floor.

I was actually being serious...There are so many people that want to do design work with automobiles, the industry is saturated and to get a job doing actual creative design, you have to take a pretty low wage.
was this tongue in cheek? last i knew, thanks to unions, people in the UAW are ridiculously overpaid. maybe that changed a bit with the bailouts, i dunno.

I don't blame you for believing what your read. The current news paint a very bad light on unions. I too was a pilot for the regional airlines. Do you think that 17,000 dollars is a fair wage for a jet pilot flying for united, with four years of college to pay off? Its so low that we had pilots collecting food stamps. One of our pilots got fired because he got questioned by a reporter about his situation while on location at a social security office.

If it weren't for the union he would not have gotten his job back. And the union was there to protect us from further cuts to that first year 17,000 dollar position, and from our bosses who were all to eager to make examples of anyone who called in tired (fatigued) after 3-4 fifteen to sixteen hour days... to intimidate us to never call in tired or sick!

We all heard the stories that they want you to hear, but the ones you don't know far outweigh the ones you have. I don't think its crazy for a pilot to earn a normal wage given the education, professionalism, and experience you need just to get an interview. Maybe other nations don't have unions, but in japan for instance the employer cares about the employee. People get married at their job, they do daily workout sessions and everyone has enough to survive and have insurance too. In the US you are used and abused by large corporations - any way they can find to screw you they do. Its not about work ethic anymore, its a good-ol-boys game now. If you know the right people don't worry if you know what you are doing or not, youll get the job and a nice fat paycheck. When you make a mistake, no problem - you still get a bonus of MILLIONS, but when you say you want healthcare - NO WAY, we don't have money for that AND our golden parachutes and bonuses. And to hear fellow working class folks condemn people from wanting representation - when the people who are trying to convince you of that all have very nice contracts themselves - OOOOOOOO- that makes me so angry! Its evil. Just evil.
Current wage for unskilled/simple labour in China is closer to $400/month. My firm does quite a bit of manufacturing overseas, and I promise you that is very accurate.

Ironically, the push in China is to try to move to more automation to reduce labour costs. $400 month is expensive when machines run 24/7 for free.

By 2015? The guy on MSNBC is an idiot, see post above. Even with raising at 20% per year it would take decades for that to happen. And then they'll just move to the next low cost wage country.

Perhaps expensive fuel is just what we need to force them to stop shipping stuff from one port to another to save money. When it becomes too expensive to ship the raw materials there, and then ship it back we may have a fair advantage. Although i doubt it because these guys will always look for a way to save money - even if it means destroying everything and everyone around them.

I hope someday people pay attention and vote with each and every dollar they spend. That is the only way we really will get fairness and our jobs back. It may cost less dollars at the checkout line, but the true cost is overwhelming to export our jobs. If no one can afford to buy what is being sold, whats the point of making it at ANY price point. American workers are not as lazy and dumb as their bosses make them out to be, and for an exec who makes 9 figures a year plus bonuses to say that his employee shouldn't make a respectable and fair wage is evil and wrong. I love watching shows when the CEO goes incognito and realizes that those lazy parasite workers really do bust their asses. and that his executive team really are the parasites. I don't believe in the EVIL rich man, heck, I make a good amount of money - but for someone who is out of touch with reality and take advantage of his employees is wrong ethically and morally.