Funny story(ckeck it out)

15 October 2000
Irvine, CA, USA
I believe it was a Saturday afternoon, I was taking my grilfriend out in My red NSX for dinner. We came to this traffic light and stopped till it hits green. Suddenly some one honked me from bihind. My first reaction was like "who the f**k is this guy or girl honking at me." I truned my head around and saw this silver NSX waving at me. My girlfriend was a bit shocked and asked me if this is like a trend (waving at each other). I told her this is why it is special to drive a NSX. We drove side by side for a couple of blocks then he heads off. How great was that day. I also told my girlfriend that if you see three NSXs driving side by side, buy a lotto. She laughed.
I also have a funny stop light story. Me and my friend were stopped at the light and it turned green for about a half second before the guy behind us started honking. We both turned around and saw this guy that looked pretty pissed off. My friend didn't move, but instead held down his own horn until the light turned yellow and then he went through leaving this guy to wait for the next light
Originally posted by Jazz:
My friend didn't move, but instead held down his own horn until the light turned yellow and then he went through leaving this guy to wait for the next light

I think if I tried that out here, I would get shot -
My funniest stop light story is being stopped at a light, and next to me was a young couple in a Saab. The women was smiling and waving, and the guy looked really ticked off.
Originally posted by Edo:
Here in Podunk Van WA? I dont think so. Nesides, they'd have to catch you first.

Perhaps, although I would rather take my chances with that than the Ford F250 that tried my NSX on for a hood ornament on Mill Plain last week ... bah
Jonathan do you drive a black/black? All I know of is a guy who works at the Kaiser medical center office I think, just next to GI Joes...

And on a side note, some moron in a Dodge pickup ran a red light and nearly killed me when I made a left turn just a few months back. I dont think he even saw me, Dang Washington Drivers...
Gee man I'm not driving in WA.
I think I'l stay south. Do you guys know how many NSXs have been hit in the last 2 months. My baby is in garage.

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk automatic
Originally posted by Edo:
Jonathan do you drive a black/black? All I know of is a guy who works at the Kaiser medical center office I think, just next to GI Joes...

Mine is Silver/Black, although there is a Black/Black one in my apartment complex. I have never had a chance to talk to the owner.

Yeah, Washington drivers are nuts I think...If you aren't driving a truck or an SUV, get outta the way! ... heh.

Hejo, mine will now be in the garage too...unvoluntarily though, 3 weeks out of commission for me, just in time for December!
Hmmm I've never seen a Silver one around town...although someone DID tell me about it. That must be you then. Well, in any case my car is just about garaged for the winter. Morgan at Acura of Portland is assembling the last bits of my Supertrapp exhaust, so once that goes on car gets put away. Any of you guys know of a good car cover?