funny ebay fraud email

16 May 2001
can someone translate this for me?

nicholas421 ??:

Hello, Bang and Olufsen B&O BEOSystem 6500 (Item # 3077089302) I agree to sell it in this moment for 740 USD agree to you with the price? The payment it will be made Western transfer of money of the trade union of basin because it is the fastest mani?re and more s?re to send the money and I can check the moneytransfer on line. I will need the number of MTCN of the transfer of money to call the Western union and to check the transaction. Moreovre there is many false companys of engagement like and On on if you?tes not with the current of this visit right of company of transfer, here you find a subtitle called the "locator" of agent, the clik of pressure him and him will show you that the narrowest office of you can send the payment my name and adress. Because a carrier of forwarding I will employ services of ! UPS because I worked with them in the past and they were tr?s fast and fix. Because soon I will receive to confir it! mation of payment of you by the post office who ! I will come into contact with the carrier and I will return you thus the number of advance of the package you can detect on the net shippment all the mani?re? you. I consid?re that the transaction on this names is veri right for the two sides and this is why it is only I accept. Please send to me and the adress as appears on money of transfer of request and MTCN the wich of a number of the name of the shipper that they will provide you. If you agree my suggestion that I will cover forwarding costs.I you will send it immediately and will obtain it to you in the 2 days. Will hope they be good bargains for both and? the future we will make other good bargains. Please answer me as soon as possible. My best memories.

donwon said:
Would be easier to decode hieroglyphs.
I think I've deciphered it. If you take the first and last words from the email (ignoring the salutation and closing), you get "Bang memories." So basically if you deal with this guy, you're going to get screwed. ;)