Full-Service Lift Installers

25 October 2005
Hanover Township, NJ
Hi I've been canvassing for four post lifts and don't want to be bothered with all the details of taking delivery of the lift, getting an electrician for the 220v wiring, raising the garage tracks, etc... Anyone in northeast know of or can recommend a full-service installer?

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Hi I've been canvassing for four post lifts and don't want to be bothered with all the details of taking delivery of the lift, getting an electrician for the 220v wiring, raising the garage tracks, etc... Anyone in northeast know of or can recommend a full-service installer?

I got a 110V version, off-set it from the garage door (placed it deeper into a long garage) and set it up myself. So this eliminated a lot of your (valid) concerns. I will say that I had to work out a delivery as I needed it unloaded on a commercial truck dock.
Good Luck!
Does the seller/vendor not have recommended installers?
I got a 110V version, off-set it from the garage door (placed it deeper into a long garage) and set it up myself. So this eliminated a lot of your (valid) concerns. I will say that I had to work out a delivery as I needed it unloaded on a commercial truck dock.
Good Luck!
Does the seller/vendor not have recommended installers?

Backyard Buddy didn't and BendPak just did.