Fuel pressure recommendation

15 May 2004
The SM states 46-53 psi without and 36-44 psi with the vacuum hose connected. My gauge is reading 51 respectively 43 psi with all things stock. I'm installing the AEM as soon as the engine is cold. Is it correct that the 36-44 psi is more important to meet? 40 psi would be the way to go? Any recommendation?
Thanks, Brian.

My question is if I could gain a little bit by reducing the actual fuel pressure from 43 psi (OEM FPR) to 40 psi (AEM FPR)?
Fuel delevery is controled by the amount of time the injector fires and the pressure difference across the injector. Lowering the pressure will reduce the amount of fuel but as long as the injector pulses don't get to long to conpensate everything is good. 3 PSI is a very small change which will be adjusted for in the tuning.