Front turn signal LENS removal

10 March 2012
New Bern, North Carolina
OK, I know and have done the searches on "search" but they aren't very detailed descriptions. I need to remove my clear front turn signal lens. They are very different from the rear! I'd prefer to not cut or crack anything because the first removal attempt resulted in a cracked turn signal. NOT cool.

I appreciate the help!

if you look up under the turn signal you will see 1 hole and syrofoam hole
you will see a screw deep in the bumper/foam hole

unscrew it and then pry it out it will slide out with little to no effort.

but on the other side of the same turn signal there is a small flat peice of metal which is the spring you need to press the light till you depress this metal spring thing and it will slide out.

my bad I thought you were just tring to remove it from the bumper.

Thanks for the info, but I have it out. I was just hoping there was some primer genie way to remove it in some reversible way....
You trying to take the lens off the housing? Like most of the lights you can probably soak it hot water to soften the glue if that's what you are trying to do.

I did the oven and the hot water..... This isn't really "glued" on it's more like they took something and melted the plastic from the lens and the housing together. I think it will have to be cut or something.