Friend just got a '03 NSX....

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
A good friend of mine in Connecticut just got a '03 Red/Tan NSX through the Acura lease program. I've already told him that when the lease is up I'm buying it.

This pretty much means that I'm here to stay until at least 2010. :D
Dr.Lane said:
A good friend of mine in Connecticut just got a '03 Red/Tan NSX through the Acura lease program. I've already told him that when the lease is up I'm buying it.
Unless a totally new NSX comes out! ;)
Dr.Lane said:
A good friend of mine in Connecticut just got a '03 Red/Tan NSX through the Acura lease program. I've already told him that when the lease is up I'm buying it.

...or if he buys it. ;)
But then you wouldn't be friends anymore. :D