Friday Oct. 30 Towers Meet - BBQ?

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
Well boys and girls are we gonna do the BBQ thing in 2 weeks? Personally I vote to postpone it until November or later as I have to leave very early Saturday morning for Talladega for the Nov. 1 NASCAR race. Then it's up to The Dragon for what will hopefully be a few quiet mid week days of twisties and fall foliage!

I'll have a lot of last minute prep and packing to do. We could just all show up with our own stone crab claws and make everyone else at the meet jealous!
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The Dragon!!!!! Awesome! you bring ing the X up? If yes, do you drive it up or trailer it? I have a buddy who has told me numerous times to get my car up there.

The BBQ sounds great. I am open to what ever works for everyone.
OK, so Friday 30th @ the Towers :D ........

• Hugh
• Doc
• mpainc
• DubayRich
• Oscar

The Dragon!!!!! Awesome! you bring ing the X up? If yes, do you drive it up or trailer it? I have a buddy who has told me numerous times to get my car up there.

I drive it up. I drive it down. I drive it everywhere. I drive it every day. I have 250,000 miles on my car. :biggrin:

Your buddy is giving you very good advice by the way.
I am about 50/50 right now...I def want to go but can't say work will let me this time lol crazy weekend for us with all the ghouls and such! I will try tho...awesome showing last time. If i come i will bring a tri-pod and get some real pics too, last time in that low light my free hand skills aint cutting it!
So, what's the deal with Friday Oct 30? Is it still on for Oct 30?

How are we "grilling"? Will anyone have a grill there? Is it a "bring your own stuff to cook and fixings" or something else?

So many questions . . . .
So, what's the deal with Friday Oct 30? Is it still on for Oct 30?

How are we "grilling"? Will anyone have a grill there? Is it a "bring your own stuff to cook and fixings" or something else?

So many questions . . . .

Add me to the list!

I never noticed any cooking anywhere, so I assume it may not be allowed. This could be because there are food vendors or whatever. Oscar you are the group's "organizer"-- can you find out for sure? Otherwise, sandwhiches, or ??

Sorry I was quiet for a while, minutes ago I FINALLY got back my Web + phone service after AT&T Decided to change cables digging huge holes in our street .... I run my business form Home, and is WEB so I am screwed, yet, I'll be there on Friday! :D

• Hugh
• Doc
• mpainc
• DubayRich
• Oscar
• georednsx
• SouthFloridaCarFan
• Danny

Add me to the list!

I never noticed any cooking anywhere, so I assume it may not be allowed. This could be because there are food vendors or whatever. Oscar you are the group's "organizer"-- can you find out for sure? Otherwise, sandwhiches, or ??

There is grilling allowed. The time I took Eddie with me a group of muscle car guys were cooking hot dogs and burgers and Eddie was in doggie heaven.

What food vendors? I asked about food vendors last month and someone told me there weren't any. Never mind the fact that at least 5 or 6 restaurants are in the Tower Shops!

I might be a no show this week. Friday is swamped for me right now and I have to hit the road for Talladega by way of Atlanta to pick up my co-pilot at the airport on Saturday.

We shall see!
I haven't been in some time. Where are we parking? Can I assume that now being Thursday we will not be pulling together a real BBQ and that it's just fend for yourself?
Put us on the list as a "maybe".

I assume this won't be a grill out thing since I don't know how anyone driving an NSX can get a grill there, at least nothing bigger than a camping grill or small hibachi grill.

Maybe see ya later.
Its a good idea not to grill from the NSX...but i'll be there!!

When I had my first NSX in '93 I used to warm bagels on the windshield heater vents on those long Friday night drives from NYC to Killington. I never tried it but I'll bet a few hot dogs wrapped in aluminum foil and placed on the engine would cook up very nicely during a quick little drive. :smile:

Sorry I missed you characters tonight. Had to work late and have 2 new rear tires installed for my road trip to Talladega and The Dragon. See you all next month!