Freedom Run 2007!

29 December 2006
Big Apple
Freedom Run 2007

Ever since the Cannonball Run Movies of the early 80’s, I’ve been interested in being involved in a Gumball/Cannonball run. At the age of 38, finally, my slightly better financial status has allowed me to now be the proud owner of a high mileage 1993 NSX! So what do I do, I jump head first into researching some of the events offered, from driving schools to Gumball rallies and I come to the conclusion that most rallies are too expensive for me to enter, too inconvenient as far as starting locations, how long the event is, too bureaucratic, maybe a bit dangerous, and really designed for the guys and gals with a lot off loot and very little respect for the safety of themselves and others around them, oh and not afraid to pay a 750 dollar speeding ticket everyday (long sentence huh?) Well that’s just not me, and I can’t believe it is for the majority of NSX and other sports car enthusiast. So then I started to brain storm, and came up with the idea of an “unofficial” rally for us regulars, called, “The Freedom Run 2007”

My idea of freedom means free from paying an entry fee, Free to choose the location from which you start (meaning you can actually start from you home door step to be in the race.) Freedom meaning the course can change at anytime due to weather, drivers wanting a new course, the freedom of us all making a decision together. As we all become participants and organizers we are free from the red tape and legality (liability) of it all, as an “unofficial” rally there is no paper work, signed forms, waivers, deposits, and official recognition of this event. If car problems take you out of the race, an emergency, lack of interest, whatever, you’re free of course to go home and not feel like you just wasted 10,000.00 dollars on nothing but a head ache.

Don’t get me wrong, this wont be a rally where you’re driving by yourself (and your passenger) for 2,000 miles at 55 mph, just to turn around in the middle of nowhere and return home. Although the original Cannonballs were about who gets where first and thumbing your middle finger up at law enforcement and a protest of the enactment of the national speed limit, this rally is about camaraderie, the love of driving, meeting, eating, and partying with other car enthusiasts, traveling new roads, visiting new cities, testing our endurance and navigation skills, and testing our team driving skills. My middle name is fun. Like everyone else out there I enjoy a little head rush, a little action, getting my blood circulating, but within boundaries. I think with my idea we can accomplish all this, at a fraction the cost but with all the fun and excitement.

Because this is an “unofficial” event I won’t be posting anymore about this in this forum, however there is a lot more information about it. Please contact me via email, for your anonymity don’t reply to this posting on the website, just email me and I will respond with a lot more info. Because this is called “Freedom Run 2007” I am free and open minded looking for people to help me brain storm ideas, give me ideas and suggestions, hell read over my plan and tell me if this is completely stupid and wont work, whatever.

Email: [email protected]
Would love to see pics of your car. When did you get it? What are the details on it?
Holy cow! Did you mix Nodos,turkish blend starbucks,8-ball,and shrooms!:eek: :tongue: I love your enthusiasm:cool:
Thanks people for reading my posting so far, and for taking an interest in my posting in your own special way. So you know, im serious about this, and although some of you may think it sounds crazy, yeah maybe it is, but, I think maybe there are just enough crazy people out there like me that might find this plausible and worth doing and potentially a lot of fun.

Open (free) your mind and read it again!


someone asked for a picture, here its is, and thats me. Its a 93, 115k miles, in great conditional actually.

New intake, exhaust, 18/17, and a short shifter


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Sounds to me like your simply describing a good old "road trip". There's nothing like one of those, whether it be 100 miles or a 1000 miles, or if you by yourself or with a friend/spouse, etc. You don't need a plan, anevent, or a name, i.e., Freedom Run 2007, to do one or several of those this year, or any year.

BTW... I am a Cannonball One Lap vet. I did the event in 2003 (starting and ending in Watkins Glen and travel 4000 miles to 7 different venues (tracks) for 9 different events). It was a blast!!! I plan to do it again with my son in one of the next couple of years.

Wick I can include you in my more organized plan, and maybe you can give me some feed back. Honestly my posting doesnt go into 1/10th of what I envision this event to be, its more than just a group ride, seriously, I am hoping to make it a very unique, safe, affordable, fun, enlightening experienece for everyone involved. There will be unofficial prizes, trophies, etc.Thanks

For what it's worth, there already is something like this. It costs $8500 for two people and is all-inclusive. The Skip Barber driving school and real track time at Daytona make it appealing. A portion of the proceeds are donated to a charity that assists with education of children of fallen US servicemen/women.

Direct link:
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....BTW... I am a Cannonball One Lap vet. I did the event in 2003 (starting and ending in Watkins Glen and travel 4000 miles to 7 different venues (tracks) for 9 different events). It was a blast!!! I plan to do it again with my son in one of the next couple of years.


Wait a second....I did the Cannonball One Lap in 2003....what car were you driving??
Wait a second....I did the Cannonball One Lap in 2003....what car were you driving??


I was in an '88 BMW M5. It burnt a valve at Indianpolis Motorsport Park and was retired... we finished the One Lap event in an e30 M3 J-stock race car!

well thanks for that link and quick info on that other freedom run, however it seems to be ALMOST everything I dont want this event to be. Im sorry, 8,500 dollars for 3 or 4 days?? In simple terms thats easily a few weeks in Europe having a great time, a mortgage for a year for many people, all my clothing for the year and then some.Not worth it, unless I become super rich and lazy, I might but even then I dont want to surround myself by people such as myself, should I be that person.

The people that wrote and that are on the same page, will see an email from me this weekend.
I don't know that anyone even understand what it is you want to accomplish. As someone else pointed out, this sounds like a 'road trip' to me as well. It doesn't sound like you interact with any other vehicles or people, where's the fun in that? I agree these other organized events are FAR FAR too expensive, but I don't understand at all what you're idea is here.