Fox tv, Canada vs the US

What kind of crack is Ann Coulter on? How does this lunatic manage to get so much attention and publicity? Do people really take her seriously? :confused:
Too funny! Good thing Canadians have a great sense of humor. We have to be careful not to piss off our southern neighbor too much …. I need a warm place to go when I’m not dog sledding or ice fishing. :wink:
They are lucky that the US doesn't roll over one night and crush them

Uh...buh? What the hell is she talking about. Someone alert Websters the new correct spelling for "ignorance" is "C-O-U-L-T-E-R"
Arshad said:
Unbelievable. Especially that first chick. Her comments left me floored...

road/kill said:
What kind of crack is Ann Coulter on? How does this lunatic manage to get so much attention and publicity? Do people really take her seriously?

You guys are just kidding right? Fox news didn't hire Ann for her brains... I mean come-on... :biggrin: 90% of the time Fox News is there for entertainment value only, not for facts (like watching Jerry Springer, or WWF). Even CNN tries to get the fur flying now and then, just for grins, and ratings.
Proof that you will never lose when you appeal to the least common denominator. I'm amazed that those two are capable of walking upright.