Found : Tom Vu and NSX !!!

21 June 2005
Early 90's infomercial yacht pimp Tom Vu. I still can't find the NSX part that I remember (Where's he's doing a burnout in his circular driveway), but the same car makes a brief appearance here at 3:53.....Plese excuse the stupid editing that the poster did..Can someone please find the burnout sequence ?
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Guy's got a Wiki entry. :D

My favorite quotes:

"A lot of your friends will tell you, 'Don't come to the seminar. It's a get-rich-quick plan.' Well, tell them, it is a get-rich-quick plan because life is too short to get rich slow."

"Don't listen to your friends. They're losers!"

"Do you think these girls like me? NO, they like my money!"

and of course.....

"Today I'm gonna show you how to drive a sports car. First, you need a lot of money!"

:D :D :D
TOM VU!! Isn't his rear end in jail for pretty much the rest of his life for all kinds or fraud? I now he defenitely went to jail, because it was big news when it happened. Lots of people fell for his get rich quick scams based on this same infomercial. Not sure if he still is in jail...or dead...deported...who knows. :confused:
Based on what I could find, he was never convicted of fraud and never imprisoned. He lives in Las Vegas now and is a professional poker player.
"I am rich, and you can be, too!"

We used to watch this guy during our study breaks in college, and to this day, my friends and I still bring up Tom Vu, his quotes , and the eye candy he had on his informercials.

I guess we're all losers, though, because we never went to his "seminars" and make just enough to be comfortable.:biggrin:
Based on what I could find, he was never convicted of fraud and never imprisoned. He lives in Las Vegas now and is a professional poker player.

No way!! :eek: I guess he was aquitted or something. I tried to find some old articles but came up empty. I could have sworn I heard the guy went to jail...oh well...such is being old...brain goes buh bye...

move along....these are not the droids we are looking for... :biggrin:
What are those 3 words, I NEED to know...=)

Tom Vu's "Three Little Words"
Here Tom Vu tells the story of how "three little words" inspired him to achieve his success. By the way, the words were "Don't Give Up"—and that's really worth wasting all day long at a seminar to find out!

PLAY - Length: 2:20