Found this on CL

SO much of this looks bad to me. First off, what seller tries to brag about how fast the car is, especially in his ad. Okay, lets look at this line of the ad "Kelly blue book is $55,000 and if you include the $30k in upgrades - THIS IS AN $85,000 CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Any car owner knows this is nuts to even believe let alone convince others of. Yea right, this is an $85,000 car. The car is worth what someone will pay for it. I love this part too. "Please contact Kevin at 603 759-2881 for more info - No test rides without a cash deposit so serious buyers only. " There is no way I am handing over a check to someone to testdrive their car. This moron probably should post this on Ebay or Autotrader if he wants to avoid lame responses to the ad.
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yep... people need to accept that mods on the car will not increase the resale value. 99% of the time it will decrease it.

That's why I keep all my original parts so I can revert back to stock and sell the parts separately.
Looks like he is dealer of some sorts...probably knows nothing about the car? lol Who knows but certainly a lofty goal to get that kinda money...I agree with the above, I know when I was searching it seemed the big money mods add zero value if not negative to this particular car (NSX)...interesting
Interesting???? Of course it's not an 85k car but it's probably, if every thing was really jamb up - totally up on maintenance, hadn't been run like a scalded dog it's entire life, could talk with the owner, knew it entire history, and then it might be, if everything was perfect be worth around 50k -----maybe. Let's face it mods like this are valuable to an extent. I mean there is a string right now on Prime - you guys have seen it some have commented I did but the starter of the thread didn't like my post so I bailed but it's the LCCB vs Silver NSX thread something like that. Anyway the blue one is supercharged and it's got some issues but the starter of the thread is all goosed up over it but can't pull the trigger cause there's another nice silver 2003 or something like that, that is perfectly stock. So apparently some on this list think stuff like that is worth looking at. :rolleyes:

Now this ad has all the ear marks of total BS from a dealer that is trying to find a HUGE SUCKER! Right>...So one of those cars I wouldn't be too interested in but then I wouldn't be interested in a turbo or super charger but someone that is might find it worthy of further investigation.

Definitely not for everyone!
It's my view that this car is so poorly advertised, he's going to scare away most prospective buyers. I would think that for this model year and price, only an informed buyer would look at this car. And, most would pass.

Selling a car quickly and getting folks interested may take some savvy marketing and advertising. Obviously the wording used by the seller leads me to believe he is clueless. Regards....Andrew
Come on guys, its not that bad. Comptech is spelled right, he knows the car's mods, I think it is the owner. So he said "it will hang with a Ferrari"... so what? he is right. I don't think it is all beat or badly advertised. Who knows. The guy is local to me, in case anyone wants a report on how the car is.

As for the other thread, I personally went and saw the stock 2003 silverstone for Danny and the car is in great shape. Both the buyer and seller are forum members and good guys.

+1 on your post - he did spell comptech right! And, yes that silver one is a good deal! If I was able or when I was looking and had that kind of coin - that would have been a good buy. There's another thread out there that has excited a few about a white one (2000) and what a good deal it is with around 6k+ worth of maintenance staring a prospective owner in the face and an asking price of 39k - um - for those bucks if I were looking and didn't have to have white - well the 2003 Silver would be a no brainer!

Back to the Craig's lister - yeah it's not that bad but the seller is appealing to a certain type that maybe a little off beat.....but mods can be a good thing...I have just a few but I like em and I'm glad I have the Comptech headers!
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"This NSX is a custom street racer with many upgrades"? This is just asking for people from the wrong market.

Just look at some of the cars he posted to pull up tags in his post. He even put neon and eclipse! LMAO, How many people looking for a neon have 55k to drop on a car?
I will give him that the Brembo kit, CTSC and seats are nice for that car. However, 2000 and 2001 are interesting years since they have the 97+features but no fixed headlight structure and aren't as nice as the 2002 model year. For some it is preference on the headlights.

I don't agree that it will beat a Lambo Gallardo or F430. It will be close but those are two fast cars that even with CTSC I don't feel the car can beat them, IMO. It is a fast car though. I love the supercharged NSX and this is a good kit to use but I wouldnt' expect to tear up a Lambo G.