Found: My Next Rims!!

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA

Sorry.. deleted..
Last edited:
Sorry.. I found the rims that looked worse than Ronal Teddy Bear rims as a joke. However, the link has been broken, and I just can't get the pictures to come out... :(
Yes, now you've piqued our least describe what the rims looked like! (Maybe someone can create a reasonable Photoshop facsimile. ;) )
The only picture that I could find is the following.
Now that I've given a second look, POWERED by HONDA and
Fury, you guys're right.. nothing beats Teddy Bear rims...


I will see if I can post a picture on the car...
Oooh, those are sweet. I'd like to get them and then have a crystal teddy bear embedded into it.

Do they come in "dub" sizes?

Ultimate BLANG BLANG baby!!!!
LOL... you guys... :D
FuryNSX said:
Oooh, those are sweet. I'd like to get them and then have a crystal teddy bear embedded into it.

Only crystal? Nah, here's a better idea.

Email those images to the rappers and I'm sure they'll custom make pop-up Gucci or Louis Vuitton chrome patterns plus .2 carat diamond scrubs teddy bear outline embdedded into it. They can always throw in a carat for the nose or eyes of the teddy. However, make sure you tell them they only come in 24s and above. Maybe NeoNSX can photoshop them on an H2 or Escalade and post them on the bling bling boards (I think they exist), just like that time he did it with the Mini :D