Found a 96, anyone know of it?

4 June 2012
Edmonds, WA
Hi, Im in the middle of a deal for a Black 96 NSX-T.


Clean carfax. Owner says he flew to the east coast and checked it out and shipped it back to LA. Story seems to check out and coincide with the carfax. Im INCREDIBLY excited to fly there and drive back up. Seems like an amazing find and a good dude. Just seein if anyone knows anything about it. Thanks.
Oh, right, sorry.

Black 96 NSX-T
I just got off the phone with the dealership that he took it to in NY before he shipped it.

He said it needed;

Air filter
Timing belt
Rear brakes
Valve cover gaskets
Complete brake flush (inc. ABS)
and the Left Front rim is bent

He made it sound bad but most of it is petty. Not petty as in I will ignore it but petty as in easy to do. Im pretty confident in my mechanical skills. I was a Mercedes Tech before I got the job Im in now.

Owner says the seats were $1000 to reupholster. Sounds like My friends like it. I dont know how I feel about it. Its interesting, not bad but not good either. I think its growing on me. Umm.....still on original clutch I believe. He changed out the rear taillights to 02 because the originals were leaking and fogging. Installed short shift kit from SOS and HIDs. Thats about it.

He was asking $33k and I asked him to get below $30k for me and he said he has to show someone (this past Monday morning) and that buyer never got back to him. So he agreed and I put a deposit but a tiny part of me feels weird that he would accept below $30k so easily but the rest of me feels like everything fits. He seems like an honest guy, doesnt seem shady. He says he's selling to put towards a F430. Well, as soon as my financing clears (I have to get an appraisal n fax it to my bank) then Im bookin a flight and driving it back up the PCH! (LA to Seattle). Cant WAIT!!! Its a dream come true.

just because you can do all the work doesn't mean that the deferred maintenance should not be factored in to the price.I would calculate shop rates for the TB and other service and subtract from asking.
just because you can do all the work doesn't mean that the deferred maintenance should not be factored in to the price.I would calculate shop rates for the TB and other service and subtract from asking.

No, no, I agree. I was just saying that it didnt put me off. Sorry for that. Its a great deal as it is. A 96 targa w/ <100k for under $30k!?!?!
If the frame and body are within spec and the motor has solid compression then yes a sub 30k 96 is a good of luck with the purchase.