Some people can find fault with the best of refinish work and I am one of them and, there are many others. Find someone who agrees with your standard and go there.
I don't know how it is possible for a color to look the same to every one under every possible light source unless the entire object in question is refinished fully and, even then it's a matter or perception.
All that aside, collision repair shops should, in my opinion, be using a three stage system on the Formula One Red.
DuPont does offer a Base/Clear alternate on this color and I can't/don't use it because it looks so poor under "daylight".
It needs,in my opinion, the tinted mid-coat especially if you want to achieve the magenta/violet side tone found in this color.
Using the three stage paint method however, does not guarantee a perfect match under all lighting conditions as Ken, above, has found.
If your car looks good under natural light but not in this parking lot than don't sweat it. I would obsess over the car being in any parking lot without me "in" the car at all times more than the color under the orange lights. Most of the time I don't get out of the car unless I'm home
[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 31 March 2002).]
[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 31 March 2002).]