Forgive me, where is my (NSX parts for sale) post?

18 July 2006
It has been a month, 3-19-07 to 4-19-07, I monthly bumped it and still have not seen it. I kow it is a free site, and I appreciate it, but do we micro-manage the "for sale" section to the point of allowing posts only when... feel like it (no pun intended)? May I suggest that if we can, go to an automated system in the "for sale" section where if you want to sell NSX-related stuffs, then your post will contain all the guidelines that the director (and whomever he designated) of NSXPrime imbedded in the automatic guideline or else your post won't show up?

Just a suggestion!!
You bumped it on 4/19 in a moderated thread and you complain on 4/19 that it hasn't shown up yet? It is not like you waited a month for the post to appear, you didn't even wait 24 hours.
I May I suggest that if we can, go to an automated system in the "for sale" section where if you want to sell NSX-related stuffs, then your post will contain all the guidelines that the director (and whomever he designated) of NSXPrime imbedded in the automatic guideline or else your post won't show up?

That sounds great. Do you have a recommendation for such a system?
Forgive me because I know this kind of under-taking would require a bit of times but I was talking about a 'For Sale' and other trading forums, where, as of right now, there are people that watched over it and have a lot of personal control over it, and this had taken times for things to get done too--Instead of that, you can spend sometime, since you are the administrator of the system, to make an automated system where you imbeded everything, all the guidelines that you want in the 'For Sale' and if anyone wants to conduct his or her business up here, his or her posting will contain those guidelines that you have asked for or else the post won't appear at all. (Say, in front of the 'For Sale' section, you can have something that will draw people attention to those guidelines that they must follow once you set them up - And perhaps you can do this with all the trading and selling forum, with one guideline to fit them all.)

I just thought that it would be fairer that way, to everyone on here, no matter his or her 'status' on here (I have done what I can...).

Thank you for reading my suggestion and idea!
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The forums run on commercial software. Nothing like what you are proposing is built into the software. Just because I administer the site doesn't mean I have the time or ability to program a custom system or write an add-on for the existing software. What you are proposing sounds great, but unless someone has written an add-on for the vBulletin software that does it, I have no reasonable way to make it happen. If something like that has already been developed and someone wants to refer me to it I will certainly take a look.