Ford GT Factory Tour video

That was very cool. My brother had a dealership bring one into the bodyshop where he is an estimator for an adjustment on one of the panels. He said the car was just terrific and he was able to sit in it. He said the dealership guy that brought it over drove it like and ass though, he estimated 60-70 MPH in their parking lot.....

Man I do love that car though.
I'm going to have to search for that factory video. Link no longer works. Wixom was close to where I lived for a while when I was a Detroiter.

Anyone else know where it is?

Meanwhile, I thought this was entertaining.

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MUST.... NOT...... WATCH....

I used to live minutes from the way complaint. Well I used to I should say... that massive plant was just torn down in the last few months. The site is now completely cleared. it's going to be redeveloped for retail and commercial properties. for decades thousands of Lincolns were built out of that plant. that history is now gone.
Wow that was easy. I searched Ford GT Plant Video in youtube and viola:

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pjr300 - I find it unreal to hear that. Used to pass that behemoth daily when I lived in South Lyon and worked in Livonia around 1996. That's a good sign if a developer predicts a need for new housing/business though.

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Wow, this was just recent, and 2 miles from me I think. This is where tpolonyi bought his NSX from.

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Must have sold; is not in their inventory now.

And they also have a blue prototype GT for sale.

What I find intriguing is: as far as I always heard during my 9 year stint in the automotive world, there was no way on God's good earth that an automaker would or could sell a prototype vehicle to the public. Anyone who could shed any light on the feasibility of this, I'd love to hear more. Is this truth or just creative marketing by someone (not necessarily Auto Palace but others before them)?

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Last. Parking this here and will enjoy later this weekend. Good night.

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