for you guys that daily drive there NSX's

19 April 2005
Any suggustions would really help PLEASE!

As you know im in the market for an nsx and am really looking to get one as a daily driver. So should i look for a low miles NSX to drive everyday? or a more in a not so perfect condition with more miles on the car to drive everyday?

I would be driving about 1200-1500 miles per month so about 12k to 15k miles per year . I basically want an NSX to drive for a year before i get married. But i also need to resale this car so i would want one that was very well maintained of course i would maintain it well that i would be able to sell it.

I guess my question is If im looking for a daily driver.....and need to think aobut resale.

~Should i look for a earlier model 91-93 with low miles
or a newer model like 95+ for more miles like 100k plus?

~which would be easier to resale?

~What kind of NSX do you guys have or would get for a daily driver?

In my opinion it's silly to pay the premium for a car that's been driven < 2500 miles a year and then proceed to drive it 12,000 miles a year. It's silly to pay a premium for a car with *perfect* paint when in 2 weeks it won't be perfect any more.

I wanted the T so I shopped '95's. The difference in price between a '95 with 25K miles and perfect paint and a '95 with 60K miles and okay paint is roughly $10,000. Why spend the extra $10K and then waste it away by driving the car every day (with the inevitable wear and tear).

My '95 is a daily driver and although I hope to keep the mileage down to 10K a year, I won't fret if I don't.
I bought an '03 for a daily driver. It has, however, turned out to be a track car also. I know that I have lost a lot of resale value by putting 64k+ miles on it in 22 months. But, these cars were meant to be driven and that's what I do.

If you are truely concerned about resale, then buy a car with depreciation (miles or age) already on it. Either way you won't loose that much if any at all.
You got good will power if you think you can just keep the car for 1 year and then let it go.

I cant imagine parting with my car unless I need the money badly.
I recently purchased a 1991 with 73K and have been driving it every day. Since I only paid $25K for the car I feel like I can drive it for as long as I like and lose very little money if I decide to sell. It took a little while for me to find the right car at the right price but it was well worth the wait. I have enjoyed every minute of it! Just a little friendly advice though - If you plan on only having the car for a year, do yourself a favor and don't buy one. I cannot imagine being able to part with this car - ever. It would be better if you never knew what you were missing.

nsx_roman said:
I recently purchased a 1991 with 73K and have been driving it every day. Since I only paid $25K for the car I feel like I can drive it for as long as I like and lose very little money if I decide to sell. It took a little while for me to find the right car at the right price but it was well worth the wait. I have enjoyed every minute of it! Just a little friendly advice though - If you plan on only having the car for a year, do yourself a favor and don't buy one. I cannot imagine being able to part with this car - ever. It would be better if you never knew what you were missing.

i bought a 1992 with 80K on it. i actually was looking for an M5 when i drove/bought the NSX on a whim. i was going to keep it until the V8 M3's came out. the NSX is magic. i may never sell it. and if i ever do i will probably get most of my money out of it. 30K won't even get you into a 3 series BMW but it will get you the best car ever made!!!