"for sale" listings pulled?

10 March 2005
atlanta, ga
just looked in the "parts for sale section" and couldn't find any of the items that ITRANDRE had for sale earlier yesterday/today. i sent him an email yesterday 30 minutes after one of his postings but got no reply. checked today and all of his listings are missing.
he was selling lots of like-new parts from an '04.
did i miss something?
I received an email this morning from system that my listing was moved but not sure where it was moved to because I have searched every where and could not find my posting.
Could an administrator change my for sale price to 27000 Obo?
You can accomplish this by "reporting your own post". Go to the post where your price is displayed, and like all posts on NSXprime, you will see an icon to the left of it under your name, that looks like this:


Click on it. Then enter a message about what you would like changed. That sends a message to the site administrators, and they are happy to help with reasonable requests like this one.

Disclaimer: I am not a moderator/administrator on this site and I do not speak for them. This information is offered for the purpose of helpfully answering your question.
I received an email this morning from system that my listing was moved but not sure where it was moved to because I have searched every where and could not find my posting.
You already posted this in the other topic where your situation was addressed. It's not a good idea to post the same thing in more than one post.