For Durashine Users Only (NSX & MR2 Specific)

26 June 2002
San Francisco
This forum is intended for NSX (and MR2) users of Durashine products, or for people who are considering purchasing Durashine products. It's a place where people can ask questions about Durashine, such as which channel to watch to purchase, how to apply, laser deflection ability, fire resistance, etc.

It's the intention of this forum to NOT get into any product comparisons by name. Rather, I hope we can strictly keep the discussion on Durashine and not bring up the names of any other products.

If we need to discuss anything of a comparative nature, let's really try to keep other brand names and product names out of it and keep things generic, like whether the competing product can withstand the contents of a garbage can being dumped on the hood or whether the competing product comes with a complimentary pair of Blue Blocker sunglasses. As we all know, this topic can be like religion and there's no reason for us to critique the specific choices of others other than to point out the obvious shortcomings of competing products.

A lot of NSX and MR2 owners use Durashine products and we need a place to discuss things and compare notes, without having the thread end up like other previous wax/polish threads.

I am not a Durashine representative, but I play one on TV. I also use other brands of detailing products as well, mostly for detailing my bathroom fixtures, furniture and pets, where they complement the Durashine product line.

I wouldn't presume to be an administrator here on NSXprime, but I'm happy to serve as an informal guide here on this thread.

-- DavidV

Get Boosted!
People have asked me why I use Durashine products when there are other companies that sell detailing products, many of which are excellent products and many of which cost less than the corresponding Durashine products. The fact is, I use products from other companies too. I don’t believe that any one company makes the best of every product in its industry. Similarly, you might believe that Toyota makes the best sports car (the Gen III MKII MR2, presumably) but another company makes an OK runner-up (the Acura NSX). However, many of the Durashine products are the best in the business, and work better than other products I have tried.

I base my opinion on over twenty years of watching TV infomercials. I have discussed this extensively with my mom (see below), one of the leading experts in cleaning stuff, and she too believes strongly that many (if not all) of the Durashine products are better than others (although she will be happy to tell you that Comet cleans the kitchen sink like you wouldn't believe).

Here are some of the advantages of Durashine products:

1. Laser Protection. Only Durashine will protect your valuable MR2 or NSX from those daily laser attacks we all face.

2. Fire Protection. Problem neighbors with flamethrowers in your neighborhood? Fear no more, with Durashine.

3. Garbage Protection. Great for those of you in tornado country whose cars are constantly being assaulted by garbage cans.

4. "Sheeting not Beading". Who wants to bother drying your NSX or MR2. Kick back, have a beer, or just kick the dog.

5. Blue Blockers Nuff said!

6. Unknown, unsafe, unnatural ingredients. Live on the edge, with Durashine!

7. Support of the NSX & MR2 community. Only Durashine is specifically formulated for mid-engined cars.

-- DavidV

Get Boosted!

[This message has been edited by BoostedMR2 (edited 08 September 2002).]
I'll try to update this section as often as needed.

"DuraShine is so strong that it can even stand up to a laser beam."

So it will stand up to even this:


-- DavidV

Get Boosted!

[This message has been edited by BoostedMR2 (edited 08 September 2002).]
I have used Durashine many times on my old Civic Si... and let me tell you.. it works AMAZING. The car is EXTREMELY shiny.. so much so that people ALWAYS commented on it. I will be using it on the NSX shortly. You can knock it all you want, but it is a great product.