Anyone have a trick to hold the flywheel for the torque sequence? As my trans rebuild approaches, I'm starting to make sure I have all the necessary tools... The OEM part is $$$ and there has to be a better way.
Or you can thread one of the transmission bolts back into the block and wedge a large screwdriver against the flywheel teeth. Just don't let the crank turn even the tiniest bit clockwise when viewed from the transmission side.
Yes, I use a double box end or combination hand wrench and two of the required bolts.
1. Bolt the box end to the lower-left engine bolt hole using a transmission housing bolt (roughly 8 o'clock). Box end should be big enough to "flop" around the shoulder of the transmission bolt so it can be loosely held parallel to the flywheel
2. The open end of the wrench will go around the shoulder clutch pressure plate bolt that you have temporarily screwed in, roughly at 6 o'clock. Rotate flywheel counter clockwise until a pressure plate bolt hole is lined up with the "saddle" of the open end.
3. The torque sequence will make the flywheel go clockwise, which will jam the pressure plate bolt into the open end of the wrench that is secured by a transmission housing bolt.
4. Hands-free and works well. No extra anything required.
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