Flying into Boston tonight.

10 May 2006
Bright, Indiana / Cincinnati, Ohio
Hey guys. I don't know how many of you are around the Boston area. I'm flying in tonight at 7:07pm for work. I've got zero plans tonight for dinner. Anyone wanna pick me up from the airport and go grab dinner? I'll buy the first round. I leave on Thurs. at 4pm to return to Cincy. Hope to meet a few more X'ers along the way.

- Kyle

I don't live in Bahstin(sic) anymore, but you have to go to Santarpio's for pizza. It's before the tunnel when leaving the airport on Chelsea St.
Great, I'll write that down and put it in my wallet. I need to go to the Cheers bar while I'm there. I know a few peeps that need some t-shirts. And I want a cold Boston Lager while I'm there.
FYI there are bars called Cheers around town but they are probably not what you're looking for. The bar "Cheers" was based on is the Bull and Finch Pub in Beacon Hill. I've not been, but I've heard it is disappointing.

I'd be glad to meet up with you for a drink but unfortunately I live out of the city and by the time you get into Boston it will be 8PM. I can do something tomorrow or Wednesday after work. Hit me up with a PM if that works for your schedule.