Flat left me stranded - suggest backup tire repair kit

4 February 2022
Typical nail or screw I'm guessing. Had about a half mile "low tire pressure" warning before complete loss of air on a busy outer-belt freeway. The nail or screw was gone, but the hole was big enough the tire sealant was running out. Even maneuvering the hole to the dead-center bottom of the tire still had the sealant running onto the pavement. Someone stopped to help and went for a gas station can of Fix-a-flat. Twenty minutes later and using the extra can, it was also running out of the hole but a little slower. I was able to make it home after several stop-and-re-pumps with the air compressor.

Anyway, not wanting a random flatbed tow company to damage the front splitter, I wanted to drive the car home at any cost. Later looking into options, if I had a "mushroom tire repair plug", that would have filled any large hole well enough to hold the sealant until I got home. Since then, I bought the Stop & Go pocket plugger and the kit is really small. Just a suggestion but being stranded in a Type-S is no fun. I'm certain the emergency mushroom plug would have worked immediately.
After I used my NA1 spare to get me off the highway once it is now dead and I got this as a replacement: https://a.co/d/6vSfYFb

Its a good kit with solid pieces and good enough to get you off the road. The NA1 has a compressor that plugs into the lighter port, does the NC1 have something similar? If not one of those come in handy in a pinch.
After I used my NA1 spare to get me off the highway once it is now dead and I got this as a replacement: https://a.co/d/6vSfYFb

Its a good kit with solid pieces and good enough to get you off the road. The NA1 has a compressor that plugs into the lighter port, does the NC1 have something similar? If not one of those come in handy in a pinch.
Ha. That is exactly the kit I ended up buying. I clicked your link and it said "Last purchased Dec 9th". Kinda funny. Anyway, yes the NC1 has the lighter port compressor in our rear trunk, and it also has the sealant bottle. Unfortunately, I could have used the plug kit to "help" keep the sealant (and compressed air) in the tire for the additional 12 miles home.
After I used my NA1 spare to get me off the highway once it is now dead and I got this as a replacement: https://a.co/d/6vSfYFb

Its a good kit with solid pieces and good enough to get you off the road. The NA1 has a compressor that plugs into the lighter port, does the NC1 have something similar? If not one of those come in handy in a pinch.
Had not seen your tire plug kit; it looks like a nice one. I had the same thought about repairing a flat. I got a kit from Harbor Freight which I think it will work in a pinch. https://www.harborfreight.com/tubeless-tire-repair-kit-9-piece-62611.html After seeing yours, I think I'll upgrade.
And speaking of flats, remember this a few weeks ago?

Pretty sure I picked this up at the dealer when in for a service visit. They didn’t want to pull it based on the size, plus no replacement tire. Added air and back roads home. It was losing air and getting nervous. I even got stopped at a train crossing! Made it home with about 20psi

Anyway, in one neighborhood I went thru a speed camera. +2 over the 12mph tolerance they give. $40 ticket In the mail. Think I could have successfully contested it with pics and tire repair receipts, but we wouldn’t be in the area when a court date was available. Saving for leniency if needed in the future.

After I used my NA1 spare to get me off the highway once it is now dead and I got this as a replacement: https://a.co/d/6vSfYFb

Its a good kit with solid pieces and good enough to get you off the road. The NA1 has a compressor that plugs into the lighter port, does the NC1 have something similar? If not one of those come in handy in a pinch.
NC1 has a compressor as well. No spare, just a can of fix o flat. I also carry a repair kit similar in both the NA1 and NC1
Ha. That is exactly the kit I ended up buying. I clicked your link and it said "Last purchased Dec 9th". Kinda funny. Anyway, yes the NC1 has the lighter port compressor in our rear trunk, and it also has the sealant bottle. Unfortunately, I could have used the plug kit to "help" keep the sealant (and compressed air) in the tire for the additional 12 miles home.

Just bought it too.
I recently purchased the mushroom plug kit and also have the string strips and glue. So hopefully I am covered. I prefer not to use the green junk as it is a mess after the fact. Lets hope no one gets a flat.
I just got a nail on the sidewall of my tire but no air leakage - yet. I presume they are going to ask for replacement.

Do you guys go to dealership for tire service or to tire shop (e.g., discount tire)?

I just got a nail on the sidewall of my tire but no air leakage - yet. I presume they are going to ask for replacement.

Do you guys go to dealership for tire service or to tire shop (e.g., discount tire)?

If it is the sidewall, there is no possible repair. Do you have pictures?
If it is the sidewall, there is no possible repair. Do you have pictures?

Just an awful luck - no leakage so far. Tempted to pull it out to see how deep it went but pretty sure it's going to leak big time. The car has 4900 miles so far (2021 MY) - will try to measure depth but do I need both rears? Argh.

Well for sure you can’t repair that if it went all the way in. In a worst case scenario you can pull the nail and use the sealant but that is a mess. The other thing you can do is get a tube and place it inside the tire. Either way I would not drive very fast or far.
Best just order all four tires and bite the bullet. Even if the pulled nail doesn’t leak I would not be confident in driving fast or far. Yea that really sucks.
It does look like a roofing nail. They are really short. Maybe it’s your lucky day. Let us know what happens.
Well for sure you can’t repair that if it went all the way in. In a worst case scenario you can pull the nail and use the sealant but that is a mess. The other thing you can do is get a tube and place it inside the tire. Either way I would not drive very fast or far.
Best just order all four tires and bite the bullet. Even if the pulled nail doesn’t leak I would not be confident in driving fast or far. Yea that really sucks.
It does look like a roofing nail. They are really short. Maybe it’s your lucky day. Let us know what happens.
Manny - as always, sincerely appreciate your thoughts/advice. My darn neighbors were getting new roof last week so it may explain the roofing nails. It's been 4 hours and so far there is no air leak.

The nail went it parallel to the side wall - not sure how long they are but could it not have gone through? Is it better to remove it or just drive it to the nearest dealership/tire shop? Or spin my luck wheel and hope that it doesn't leak when I pull it out? I feel like driving it may push the nail in more and lead to a bigger puncture?

Regardless, my rears are at 6/32 to almost 5/32nd so may be it's time to get new tires anyway? Fronts are 6 and 7/32nd.


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I thought it was a roofing nail, but the ridg make it look more like a framing nail. The sidewall is not very thick. Sucks big time.
Do not press your luck, the only driving you should do is to whomever is going to replace....
I just got a nail on the sidewall of my tire but no air leakage - yet. I presume they are going to ask for replacement.

Do you guys go to dealership for tire service or to tire shop (e.g., discount tire)?

I use an independent shop. I’ve used them for years and they work on every day cars to super high end. They remove the tire and patch it, no plug. Go with who you know. I posted pics here of a puncture last year (?). Easy fix compared to your sidewall. Dealer is fine too if going with new tires.

Edit… I remove and take them the wheel(s), I don’t take the car in.
Just make sure that when they balance that they use force balancing. Also ask them if their equipment can handle high end wheels and very tight tires.
Just make sure that when they balance that they use force balancing. Also ask them if their equipment can handle high end wheels and very tight tires.
Spoke with local Discount Tire manager and he seems confident that they can do the work without damage. He specifically mentioned low clearance jacks and using Hunter road force balancers. Still on the fence about going to DT but not sure if my local dealer is any better since I've never been there.
Just remind them you have carbon brakes...they must be very careful not to strike the disc.
Still on the fence about going to DT
In my experience, Discount Tire / America's Tire (same company, different geographic regions) always does solid, competent work.

Only anecdotal, of course, but I've visited probably a dozen of their shops in multiple cities across the western US, and they've changed well over 100 tires on my lowered NA1 NSX, plus around a dozen on my 12C, plus lots more for me on various Porsches, Mercedes, trucks, and others. 15- to 20-inch wheels, iron brakes and carbon brakes, lug nuts and lug bolts -- doesn't matter, they always do a good job. Never scratched a wheel, never overtorqued a fastener, never had a problem lifting my lowered cars.

I often find myself getting tires at a dealership or at a fancy alignment shop "while they're in there" doing something else or because they can do the work on very short notice... But if I just need tires and nothing else, I don't hesitate to use Discount / America's for any of my cars.