flash to pass....

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3 October 2002
my friends, it is with great sadness that i tell you all that my mom has died peacefully tonight, with her family at hand. she was a good person, raised 4 doctors with sugar & spice, & things not so nice. i'll always miss her.

but i write this as a letter of appreciation to moms, and the people who has given us one of the greatest gifts in the world. our beloved NSX.

it is with this vehicle that my story of maternal love found real meaning. now most of you old farts were probably "trained" to drive by mom's draconian driving school. my mom took me to a parking lot, and said "this is a stick-shift ... do it". and i learned.and i wrecked cars, and i got disciplined by the old lady....then, i drove "her way"...."dukes of hazards meets trackmasters"....

anyway, fast forward, i had taken my mom for a spin in my "sunny day car" in oct 2004. got her situated, and took off. nice 20 mile run, twisty highway rt 94. passing lanes, hills and valleys, posted 50 mph, quintessential nj driving...we sprinted in lower gear/ high rpm for maximum accceleration, sound effects, & torque. she was alive!! and usually she would have already slapped me to slow down, and bitched me out...but that never came. we passed an 18 wheeler carrying tons of cement conduit... tailgated it, then pounced on the truck in the passing lane, hitting 90. she loved it!

when i got her home, i took this pic of her.

i felt for the first time in my life, that no matter who i was, life was good and happy. she never complained about my driving [at least to me...], & we could laugh later, near the end, about my 100 mph speeding tix...., and her driving us around on devil's night helping us throw eggs.:rolleyes:

thank you HMC,and all of you in love with this gift of life.

peace,mom:smile: i love you
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Wow. What a beautiful tribute. Wow. My love and condolences to you and your family.
You are a Lucky man to have had such a wonderful mom.
My dad used to grin like that too when I drove him in my vettes.
I'd take him for ice cream on a hot day and he'd drip it all over. It was great.
Jon,my sincere sympathy and love.
Joe Lomoriello
Sorry about your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. "Smelly" grieves with you.:smile: Sounds like a cool gal!:smile:
My condolences...Can't say much more than, you are in my prayers.
My all in your family remember well and cope well.
Sounds like you have a great mom, for she will continue to watch over you.
Take Care
What you wrote is very sad & beautiful. Sorry for your loss. I am glad you enjoyed your ride & time with each other. It is truly the small pleasures that make all the difference in the world. The sun only shines so many days in one's life, we should enjoy those days.
Having just lost my dad at Christmas your thoughts and words are both difficult and compelling to read. Keep those memories alive and she will remain with you.
Sorry for your loss. That is one of the nicest tributes that I've read. It truly was straight from the heart.
Doc, sorry for your loss, but happy for the relationship you had with your Mom. This reminds me that my mother has never ridden in my car. I have always been in a hurry to get somewhere when I have the car out. Sometimes we need to slow down for the more important things in life. Peace and Blessings to you and your family.
Jon, my deepest sympathies and condolences to you and your family.


Looks like your mom really enjoyed life. A smile like that goes a long way. My condolences.

My deepest, sincere condolences.
Life does not last forever,but memories do if you keep them in your heart.
My parents died early. They never saw my house, my cars, and my younger children. My mom never got to comb my girls hair. She always wanted to have a girl. ( She got 3 boys)

Take care of yourself and the family.
Hi Jon;

Sorry to hear of the passing of your mom; be thankful for the time you
spend with her. Im sure she was very proud of her family that she did a
great job & lots of love through the years. To make you what you are today
a likeness of herself; Your a nice person & a wild & crazy guy!!

Love & Prayers
From my family to you and your family our deepest condolences. I lost my mom, my dad and my wife all in the same year but each gave me a gift that I will cherish forever. Keep remembering the good times and cherish the mental picture of happier times. Your dedication to your mom was inspiring.

Life is short, keep living it to the max.

If there is anything we can do please don't hesitate to ask even if it's just a friend to talk to...

Alan,Josh and Karen
King of Bling,

From my family to you and your family our deepest condolences.

Sorry to hear about your loss, If you need me...you know where to find me. Ill call you later.
"Living" is all about taking life's experiences and appreciating them to the fullest, whether good or bad. Sometimes it can be as simple as enjoying a car as a sense of accomplishment... then taking it out on a sunny day to drive it to the max... and being able to share those smiles/laughs with someone you love makes it just the best thing ever!

Your positive attitude has proved that you are a living example of enjoying everything in life... and with a Mom like that, it's easy to see how you ended up that way! Her spirit will always live within you - so keep enjoying all life's accomplishments and know that she is with you every step of the way.

Our heartfelt condolences... our love & prayers are with you!
Karen & John
Doc Bling, to you and your family, I extend to you my deepest condolences, you truly are a "classy guy", that picture of your Mom, enjoying the time with you in doing something that you enjoy is truly beautiful, keep those memories close, they're what count!!!! Hope that you and your family have a better year, enjoy health and eachother, best regards-Roger
Dr. J,

My sympathies are with you and your family in your loss.

What a great tribute to your Mom! She looks very happy in the photo and must have been feeling REALLY brave that day.

You're really lucky your Mom was so great - Never Forget...

Dear Doc Jon,
Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the PM, I have been too lazy to log on lately. Just want to say with the deepest condolence from our family to your family for the passage of your mom. And I would say all the prime members here would feel the same, for we're all thankful for the fine job she did in raising her kick ass boy that we've all come to appreciate. And like Climberao says, there'll be lots of fond memories to come! And then you'll love her even more. My dad passed away 3 years ago, and I'm still having lots of great flash backs. Like you said, us "old farts" do really appreciates what our parents done for us so we can enjoy our NSX's. Now you guys, it's time to take them out for a spin!
She does look very happy in that pic, must have been a great day....
Now go spoil your kids so they can ball their eyes out when you drop!
BTW, consultation for you is always free!:wink:
God Bless you and your family. I know what the loss of your Mom feels like and hang on to the memories and have peace in knowing that you loved each other and no regrets. It does get easier as time passes. Mike
What a wonderful tribute! I must say that was touching, and my condolences to you and your family. God Bless her and all of your family.
Hey Doc. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences to you and your family. The tribute to your mom was very heartwarming. Bless her soul! I only wish my mom would dare to take a ride in my car like yours did. :wink:
turn the page

i never wanted this to be one of those garish roadside memorials
that sprout plastic flowers & teddys, with notes that get laminated.
that shit says slow down, somebody died here, we miss them.

what i wanted was a simple statement that someone lived,
and through living, made everyone around her better...
a good mom, there is nothing greater on the planet than her.

it's time to move on & attain "closure". it's not easy, but it's not hard either.
we all have lives, no sense hoggn' time.
you have given my family a gift, and we thank you.

peace is right in front of you.:smile:
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