fixed head light question

13 July 2003
Can anyone recomend a fixed headlight mod that replaces the stock flip up?

I know of a very expensive HID mod however I was looking for maybe a projector setup that has a clear lens that forms with the lines of the NSX hood, thanks
Other than the new 02+ OEM lights , I think the headlight in the attached picture looks good (maybe it's because it somewhat resembles the headlights on the McLaren F1, at least it looks like it from this angle). I believe it's the Backyard Special model. I don't know where you can get a set, how expensive it would be, or what the quality is like. Maybe you can contact Science of Speed if you're interested.

Is the HID mod you mention, the Taitec JGTC?

BTW: How's the NSX search going?


  • bys-cf.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 277
Now yours are perfect

the headlights you have are exactly what I want but you do not know were to get them?
Wow, those are nice! They would look even nicer with the black part in the interior of the headlight color matched to the car... like on my silver! :D

The flush perfectly with the hood and they are a nice mix between per and post '02...
Gerry has a shop in Modesto, and you can have him install anything there that he already has on his own car, I would think...