Fix It Ticket Info

17 January 2003
Los Angeles, CA
Hi there guys,

My bro has to do another speech for his speech class. This time, he needs to do a persuasive speech. He chose to do it on Fix-It tickets. His claim was to have the state of california improve and revise on fix-it ticket laws and policies. He is basically trying to avoid misconception of stock headlights/taillights as aftermarket and get tickets for that. As well, as aftermarket exhausts that meet DOT standards.

I've been trying to help him find info and facts on it, but not getting much luck. If any of you guys can help point out a few websites with info or any sugesstions on how he should do this speech, please feel free to jump in. I'm asking because i was never a person thats good with speeches. thx guys!

Hey Garrett,

I would suggest picking up a copy of the California Vehicle Code book.

If your brother takes some time to read through it. He will notice how vague and ambiguous most of them are. Some are down right contradictory to what the DOT mandates..

If he needs some stories, I have some real beauties on some of the crap that I've gotten in the past.. Gotta love our CHP and bureaucrats in Sacramento.
Guess what happened today, I GOT A DAMN NO FRONT PLATE FROM A PARKING ENFORCEMENT!!!!! I left for a few mins to get a drink and came back out with a damn ticket in my windshield! Arghhh. On top of that, i got an extra $65.00 ticket for parking at a spot that i wasn't suppose to park after 4pm. That was my fault though, so i don't blame anyone for my mistake. It's the damn no front plate ticket that pisses me off once again. $25.00 isn't a big deal, its just that i got a ticket from a PARKING ENFORCEMENT that ticks me off. i just needed to vent! thanx for listening
