fish smell in trunk

21 September 2000
Bellevue, WA, USA
I recently left some frozen fish in my nsx for several hours and now the smell as taken over my trunk. If you like to know, it smell like several rotton fish. I torn down and removed the entire trunk matting but the smell is still there. I even left the trunk open for several hours and that helped a little. I tried using baking power and odor spray over night but they didn't help except cover up the smell.

My last option is to rinse down the trunk, but I'm afraid there won't be a plug to drain the water.

Anyone out there would like to suggest some ideas for me? Thanks.

sorry to hear that. i had a similar incident when my left over (highly garlic infused) pasta dish leaked in my trunk. i tried many of the same tricks as you have and more. nothing worked.

i ended up buying new carpet, and the smell is gone!

being that you didn't actually spill a liquid, i would assume that you wouldn't have to go to that extreme, but maybe taking the carpet out and airing it outside of the vehicle may help.

and maybe febrezzing the hell out of it while it's out and let it blow in the wind.

good luck
I would suggest a healthy dose of Febreze, and if that doesn't work, you probably need to take it to get detailed. This might end up like the Seinfeld episode where he couldn't get the valet's body odor out of his BMW, so he sold the car. :D
Griot's Garage sell a product that claims to eliminate odors. From memory it is a tub that you open and leave in the car so that it can absorb the odor.
Another suggestion would be a spray product called "Ozium" which is supposedly what the airlines use if someone throws up. College friends used it to cover the aroma of certain illicit smoking materials.
Consider yourself lucky that nothing spilled. I once spilled a pint or so of gear oil in my trunk - had to throw out the carpet and scrub everything else with all sorts of degreasers and you could STILL smell it on hot days.:mad:
I left some garlic pasta in the trunk during 100 degree days of summer - for 3 weeks! :eek: :o :eek: :o

Secret - scrub the car carpet DEEP with Febreeze & Lysol and leave the trunk open and the garage cracked. It took several scrubs, vacuumed, scrubs, and a lot of open trunk time.

After a week - much better, after 2 weeks barely tell, after 4 weeks - completely gone. This was a smell much worse then death so yours will come out 100% - just needs scrubbing, time, open trunk, and most of all patience!

Then - send some of the money you would have spent fixing your trunk to Lud / NSX Prime for the awesome job he does bringing us all together.

Click here:
now if you guys went by my no food in the car rule.....:D :D :D

Febreze auto worked great when my 996 had a leaky a/c hose that stunk the place up. Don't be afraid to be waaaya liberal, it will dry.

Myth Busters

I remember watching a Myth Busters episode on Discovery. They left a dead pig in a car for about a month to see if they could get rid of the odor and sell the car. Anyhow, they talked to an odor removing specialist and they claimed to be able to remove any odor. The key to removing this was destroying all the protein, liquids, etc trapped in the different parts of the car. This company specialized in doing this in cases where dead bodies were in cars. They used a special detergent that used enzymes to break this stuff down.

A quick search on the web and I came up with this which also has enzymes.

Check it out

hmmm, i think you need Mr. Wolf's input...!?! His expertise can remedy your problem'o; so to speak. :cool:

[atleast it's a fishy odor from the trunk, not from one of your passengers (femmez), DOH!] :eek:
WOW! And I thought I had issues.

Well, I guess I'll be going shopping tonight for Febreze, vinegar, lysol, etc.

I'll let you guys know in a few days what combats well with fish smell.

(I just couldn't stop laughing while reading some of the other *smelly* thread...)
I dont mean this in a bad way, but you are screwed. I did the same thing with chicken. Nothing helped. My trunk smelled like someone died.

I took out the carpet from the trunk, washed it, scubbed it.. it was still there. I scrubbed the aluminum. Tried everything you can think of.

In the end, i ended up getting new carpet. That did the trick.

It sucked.
Yeah, I've already looked into getting new trunk carpet. But I thought at least I try to clean it first. The smelly trunk carpet in my patio getting fresh air and maybe some rain later tonight. The smell has died down ALOT but you can still smell it if the carpet gets warm up.

This will be the last time I let mom talk me into taking frozen food home.