First time I "really" drove my NSX

21 December 2012
So I just got the car at the end of December but its been really cold here and the threat of snow was strong. When the car arrived the weather held out for that night. So I drive the car for about an hour and put it in the garage. In the overnight it snowed and since then winter happend, the roads have been covered in salt, well ice melt now a days which is so much worse on metal than salt used to be. Due to this I never got to drive the car unitl yesterday. It has been raining for a few days on and off so all the salt was gone and it turned out to be about 47 yesterday morning and sunny. Out she came, targa off and all. (its funny how people look at you like ur nuts with the top off. Same in my S2000. They dont understand that you dont really feel it in the car)
Car felt great and I didnt notice anything major but I do want to have the steering checked out, did feel a bit loose on the hwy at 120. Any ideas what that may be?
Beside that it was awesome. And the best for last: Im driving near Villanova and a guy jogging was lost in my car as I drove by he jogged right into a trash can. I couldnt hold it in, I lost it. Lol
Im going to have fun with this thing!

It was really amazing for me to drive around in this car. Growing up I had a poster of a black one on my wall and I remember thinking "one day"
Yesterday felt like the first of many "one days"

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Car looks great! Regarding the steering, take the car out again for the same test drive but this time with the targa top on. The chassis responds very differently when the top is off vs. when the targa is on.
(Belated) congrats on your acquisition of a beautiful LBBP NSX. Glad you were able to enjoy some top-down weather. You're not alone; NSX ownership was a lifelong dream for many of us! Hope you have fun with your new ride.
Car looks great! Regarding the steering, take the car out again for the same test drive but this time with the targa top on. The chassis responds very differently when the top is off vs. when the targa is on.

Should have thought of that! My s2000 responds the same top up or down so..

Thanks guys
Ha! I tried that once in my S, dont need to do that again. lol
Great looking car you have, one of my favorite color combo's.

As for the steering feeling the way it does, did you check the tire pressure? I suspect you may be a little low in the cold.
You should track it, your first "real" drive was barely making it to first base :)

PS. I don't know how you people deal with these winters, I would go crazy!

PSS. The car looks great! congrats!
Nice ride ya got there... great color

I recall the "one day" dreams, and now I wake up and peek in the garage and pinch myself.

If you get a chance, drive an NSX that is stiffened with various chassis bars
I run SMTPO front and rear and it changed the car.. its a go-kart now
Im going to put on springs so Im sure that will tighten it up. If not I will add bars.
It was really amazing for me to drive around in this car. Growing up I had a poster of a black one on my wall and I remember thinking "one day"
Yesterday felt like the first of many "one days"

I love reading stories like this, congratulations!
Great story - loved the trash can crash ....very funny -wish you'd had that on film - that would be great for a commercial! Acura would pay big bucks for that!

Pretty car - looks great in that parking lot with the sun glistening off the side - great look!!! We all have had or are having those stories - it's what makes having these cars worth it all! Keep up the driving - they aren't just for polishing you know!