First speeding ticket!!!

2 November 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada

Got busted doing 69 in a 50... nice guy, but wouldn't let me off. $120 bucks, 3 demerits. I'll go to the courthouse next week and try and up the fine and lose the demerits.

Grrr... was just out puttin' around too. No destination. Ah well. Gotta pay to play, right?
95EagleAWD said:

Got busted doing 69 in a 50... nice guy, but wouldn't let me off. $120 bucks, 3 demerits. I'll go to the courthouse next week and try and up the fine and lose the demerits.

Grrr... was just out puttin' around too. No destination. Ah well. Gotta pay to play, right?

Wow....that sucks man. Good luck getting those demerits taken care of.
Tickets are tickets to insurance..I don't think I'd want to increase my fine to get rid of demerits...unless you plan on getting more in the future they don't mean anything until you get 7 or so, and even then it doesn't affect your insurance.
Well if your points mean anything to you, might want to try fighting with 'Points' or some kind of ticket fighting organization? You might wind up paying a higher fine, but no loss of points, and you won't have to worry about your insurace c/o finding out you lost points. :rolleyes: Not sure if they can even do much anyway seeing how its a small fine with 3 points.
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I was in the same situation doing 70 in a 50 and was let off with a warning:eek:
I couldn't figure it out at first as there were numerous other cops around doing the trap in both directions so I didn't even bother to ask for the 5 off to get it down to 15 over and no points. He asked about my record which was perfect till that point and then just handed me back my documents and said " just a warning"
After driving away, I noticed I had my Hospital ID badge on and was dressed in work clothes so the only thing I can figure is he gave another public sector worker a break.
I considered seeing my Dr afterwards for removal of the horseshoes:eek: :eek:
Too bad dude!
Got thing we didn't get nailed the other day doing 200 in a 50 kph zone!
I'll reiterate..points mean NOTHING to insurance companies.

Ticket fighters cost you money and all they do is get points reduced, which is a waste, cause you can go to court and get your points reduced too..they won't budge on the fine.

So you just pay a bunch more for something you can do yourself.

As long as it's under 49 over a 15 over and 49 over mean the same thing to insurance companies.
che coincidenza!

I just got my first ticket for the same speed, 69 in a 50. The fine was $115 and I need to do online driving school-- is that anything like Need-4-Speed? Looks like I'll need to be careful the remainder of the year.

Given that I had driven well past 69 in that same speed zone earlier this year, I consider myself lucky-- very lucky.

Shit, I want 69 as well.
Everone is getting 69'd today.
I'll call Carolyn.
I'll probably get 666'd
ffffanman said:
Shit, I want 69 as well.
Everone is getting 69'd today.
I'll call Carolyn.
I'll probably get 666'd


The reason I want the demerits gone is because they look bad on a Police application... :tongue:

Other than that, meh...
95EagleAWD said:

The reason I want the demerits gone is because they look bad on a Police application... :tongue:

Other than that, meh...

hahaha hilarious
I just got an 80 in a 50, but it was reduced to 60. I probably would have got a warning if I wasn't in my Lexus, and probably wouldn't have even got it knocked down if I had an NSX! :tongue:
Just got a 111 in a 80 zone.
$187.00 plus 4 points.
I cried!
He let me rip the ticket in two.
I'm calling that Horse Shoes, I'm calling that I am a Cry Baby as well.
Now what can i spend that money on?
So my wife got 78 over the limit in a 50 = 128
She went for a meeting with the prosecutor who read the ticket as 78 in a 50 and agreed to 15 over. They agree, go before the JP and he notices the mistake, my wife (CA, CPA, CFO...) plays dumb, "but sir, we have a deal"

The JP says he can change any deal, but agrees to the terms but with full fine, $1000ish - No problem my wife says, done!

She doesn't like jewlery or clothes so I couldn't give a sh1t if she runs up big tickets, as long as she's having fun!