First speeding ticket!

24 July 2017
Torrance, Ca
51 in a 35!

Cop was a real asshole.

Started yelling at me, told me to shut the car off (it was!).

I just sat and took it, they have guns.
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All you can do is sit there and take it. Be careful out there!
You should have told him you were going to tear down a Civil War statue .... and, he would have done nothing.
Time to ditch CA and move to IL

Cops are so busy with the gun violence in Chicago, they have no time for bothering speeders
Too bad. Here in NJ they still appreciate cars so they will usually give you a break. Also I noticed the more you readily admit the truth the quicker they drop the a-hole routine, but you never know... sometimes it could be your age/skin color which gets you the treatment. Just brush it off and move on. And get Waze!!!
Curious, to see if you and/or others do what I've been doing any time I'm pulled over, and if it's helped or done nothing and still resulted in a ticket -- did you have your license, reg, and insurance ready in hand with both hands up high on the steering wheel, pretty much handing them to him thru the open window before he even asked? I'd heard good things about doing that and have done that the few times I've gotten pulled over in recent memory, and it *seems* to have helped since I've not gotten a ticket in 15 years for speeding or accidentally blowing a stop sign, even getting thanked for doing that at least once. I understand that type of willingness/approach would not be everyone's cup of tea.
Yinzer, I am glad you're still alive :) Picture this. You are slowly driving onto the shoulder with the cop behind you or you just parked on it with the lights behind you. You lean sideways towards the glove box on the pass side to get your registration or you fumble in your pockets for the wallet and license, and you get shot by a paranoid cop who later tells a judge or jury that you looked like you were reaching for your gun. I would not reach for anything until the cop is at my window.
Yinzer, I am glad you're still alive ! Picture this. You are slowly driving onto the shoulder with the cop behind you or you just parked on it with the lights behind you. You lean sideways towards the glove box on the pass side to get your registration or you fumble in your pockets for the wallet and license, and you get shot by a paranoid cop who later tells a judge or jury that you looked like you were reaching for your gun. I would not reach for anything until the cop is at my window.

Man, you underestimate someone's ability to handle their wallet. :) My wallet, which is easy reach 100% of the time, either in the cupholder next to me in summer or in my jacket breast pocket in fall/winter and where my license is in the first credit card slot and my reg & insurance are folded neatly in the 2nd of two pockets for cash. With one hand and w/o taking my eyes off the road, I could have my license & reg/insurance in-hand within about 3 seconds while pulling over & slowing down, faster than a hungry pimply-faced teenager heading to the pick-up window and eager for his Big Mac combo.
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I guess I still have not shed some of my european habits despite coming over here 40 years ago! My wallet is always in my back pocket and the registration always in my pass side glove box. You are a very resourceful man! Maybe I will give your style a shot (%#€*) :)
This happened right in front of where I live.

My take is: I haven't had a speeding ticket or moving violation for over 10 years.

On the stretch of road in front, it is easy to do 100 and there are some guys in the complex who do it late at night.

There is one Italian make among them.

No mandatory court appearance and I automatically get traffic school if it doesn't get dismissed, which I am working on.

Bright red sports car=cop magnet
I guess I still have not shed some of my european habits despite coming over here 40 years ago! My wallet is always in my back pocket and the registration always in my pass side glove box. You are a very resourceful man! Maybe I will give your style a shot (%#€*) :)

ha ha. No promises! But I'd think this type of behavior will still stand out amongst all the people putting up a fit or being lightly belligerent in this situation.