First purchase advice

31 May 2010
I am still looking, found a mint '05 with only 12k and factory Comtech SC system, but it is an auto, should I stay away from it? Saw a white one on this site, that's a first for me, what a beautiful color.
I wouldn't want an NSX unless it was a stick. The only way I would buy an auto is if I was missing a foot.

Acura didn't put S/C on from the factory, so I wouldn't consider that OEM, unless I'm just reading it wrong.:confused:
I wouldn't want an NSX unless it was a stick. The only way I would buy an auto is if I was missing a foot.

I am still looking, found a mint '05 with only 12k and factory Comtech SC system, but it is an auto, should I stay away from it? Saw a white one on this site, that's a first for me, what a beautiful color.

Auto versus manual is a personal preference. I think most on this forum would opt for the manual, use the search function and get volumes of feedback. For me, I like and have the manual. It just doesn't seem right to have an auto....just like an auto F car, P car or Lambo. But again a personal preference. My Grand National is an auto 'cause that's the only way it came from the factory. Good luck in you NSX search and do what YOU want to do.

p.s. definitely should test drive both auto and manual as that might settle it right there.
I'm amazed that someone would supercharge an auto. NSX. :eek: Honda detuned the motors in the automatic versions, presumably because the transmission wasn't rated for the power. Adding a supercharger seems to be asking for trouble.

If you want an automatic, get one without a supercharger, but that's just my opinion. If you want this car, check the transmission out carefully. :frown:
On another post someone stated that you could order the SC from the factory, I didnt think that was right. I knew better. so I didnt chime in on that post.

You couldnt get a SC from the factory as they didnt make them. so Any SC would be an Aftermarket Upgrade.

but a Auto SC'ed Not for me. how much faster than a Civic could it really be? I mean come on an Auto NSX not the Cream of the crop if you ask me.

Stay away from it is my advice.

Mint this, Mint that, low this, low that,. its just poop lol
advice on purchasing an nsx...make sure the air works very well in all settings...make sure all lights on dash come on and off when turning power on in the car...service records...mainly looking to see if and when water pump, timing belt and clutch was replaced (basically major services)..other than that...nsx is just like every other used car purchase, make sure everything works, tires and brakes in good condition, etc...
Here's my advice:

-not a snap ring tranny
-transmission type
-interior and exterior color

LAST OF ALL.......
Dlynes is right on the money with his basic advice. First thing to do is to establish your budget - let us know what that is and then it will be easier to help.

I of course replied to your last thread about SC or no SC - you seemed to have made up your mind not to buy one with an SC - so why this question and especially on an automatic - that is nuts!

Get your mind made up - don't waffle and stand by your own decisions! That way you won't be going back and forth with issues like this. If you have the bucks and like targas - then go with a later model targa and the larger engine and 6 speed. If you want a more ridgid frame - don't want the hassle of roof on - roof off - stowing the roof etc and squeaks or leaks then go with an early coupe. If you can find one get a 93 or 94 - and I only say that cause they are newer - get one with low miles if you have the money for a later model but want a coupe find the best example you can and the newest one you can - that's just basic good advice. Mine is a 91 - is that a bad choice - certainly not - gotta make sure your out of the snap ring group which extends from part of 91 thru 92. Not all have the issue - mine did not. The older the more general maintenance issues you could find.

If you like the targa and want one and can afford any of them you will find a great many too choose from if you wait for the right one. So many get frustrated waiting - I'm one of them - but if you have patience the best advice is to "excercise" patience and wait for the right one - low mileage - late model - do you like pop up headlights or exposed. I like the pop up personally and the last year of them is 2001. There is the Zanardi - a great car - one of our guys just found one - a beauty. It's the only exception to the coupe/targa thing and is a wonderful find if you can wait - it will of course be a coupe with the later 3.2 engine and 6 speed and some suspesion goodies. Great car! There are a few later model coupes out there but they are as rare as hens teeth.

Right now there is a white 05 NSX with white interior with 10k miles on it that Hothonda just traded in - the dealer wants 75k for it - kind of high but then that is the "moby dick" of finds - very, very rare combo and arguably one of the most desireable. Prices are all over the place - best thing is if you have a pretty flexible budget to just decide what it is you want - color - year - miles - etc and then proceed to look and ask questions about them when you find em. But settle on the model year and type first or you will spin your gears unecessarily and the primers gears too! Word to the wise. :wink:
That's what I thought, auto and SC don't together, let alone in this super car.

Agreed... SC with an AT doesn't make sense. But I suppose if you wanted more performance.

If you like the car and it is a beauty, you can buy it. It sounds like is is most likely a very nice car. But most people looking for this type of a car will be looking for a MT. Which might be something you would want to consider for resale. And if maybe you would want the MT at a later date. Some people enjoy AT.

Keep us posted....

Either way, you will receive lots of attention and I'm sure this car would be fun too.

My wife and son said when I was looking "you would be crazy to buy an automatic in a car like the NSX... you have to have a MT." That is their input for what it is worth.... I ran with it.
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v5e_nsx; said:
Here's my advice:

-not a snap ring tranny
-transmission type
-interior and exterior color

LAST OF ALL.......

Snap ring check is only for '91-'92 manual cars.