First Post - Buying Strategy Advise

18 November 2006
Montreal, Canada

I have been lurking here for a while. This is one of the best informational forums I have found for any make of car. You guys are great. Bickering, which normally makes me shy away from posting, seems to be kept to a minimum on this forum.

I look forward to contributing in the coming months.

My first post so be gentle. I have searched the forum and couldn't find a direct answer. ( I know a veteran here will probably find a thread addressing this in 5 seconds....but I couldn't) So I'll ask.

Will be purchasing an NSX between December 2006 and May 2007 if I am lucky to find The One. I live Montreal. My budget is up to $35K U.S. and I don't mind importing from the U.S.

Question and advise please: Is there any "Best time of the year" to buy? By your experieince are prices lower in Fall - before some people are looking to sell before storing. Winter - because they are not driving the car and weren't able to sell in fall. Or Spring for a quick sale because they are looking to buy something new for summer? Is pricing pretty much level in areas like California all year round?

I have noticed pricing is all over the place right now. What is in the mind of the seller? What is a good buying strategy?

I think it will depend on where the car is as to whether there is a season. Here in the crappy Northeast people may be looking to move a car before winter, but not in Southern CA or FL. Take your time on doing research on Prime, planning out the $$ end of things, and looking carefully. If you find a candidate car far from you, post on here for someone local to check it out 1st before you waste time & $$ on plane tickets or driving.
TyraNSX said:
I think it will depend on where the car is as to whether there is a season. Here in the crappy Northeast people may be looking to move a car before winter, but not in Southern CA or FL. Take your time on doing research on Prime, planning out the $$ end of things, and looking carefully. If you find a candidate car far from you, post on here for someone local to check it out 1st before you waste time & $$ on plane tickets or driving.

I second this. Usually you can find a local to look a car over, to give you an idea about it's condition. This is a great resource.
Welcome to the forum kmrumedy.
Your question is a good one, but I think for the NSX and my buying experience, its going to come down to finding one with everything you want (right color, style, year, tranny) in good condition than waiting for a "low season" time of year. For me, it took over a year for me to find my NSX and im sure others on the board had similar experiences. When you find the right one, jump!
Took me about 1 year to find the One. Lucky enough to live in CA and be able to drive the NSX year around damn near. I would say there is no real season to buy or sell aroud here. More a matter of finding the right car. One that has not been abused or inappropriately modified depending upon your specific tastes. I think $35K would find you a nice older NSX- just take your time; be patient and prepared to buy once the One is located. Of course, always do a pre-purchase inspection. Good luck.
Welcome to the group. In my opinion I would say buy as soon as possible! Each day that passes by, is another day you aren't driving your NSX. Think "opportunity costs" or more like "opportunity loss".

On a more serious note, I sometimes follow prices and one trend I've noticed is that the price of '91-'92 NSX (entry level pricing) has stopped and in some cases has gone back up. Back when I bought my NSX I was noticing a lot more NSX in the very low $20K's and I even got mine for $20K flat. Now, even higher milage '91's are in the mid $20K's. I still think the newer, more expensive ones '95 and up are still falling in price, but not the older ones. My theory is the demand for the earlier models is rising because they are becoming more affordable to a desirous younger generation. Many of the kids who grew up on things like the Fast and the Furious are now realizing they can actually afford their "dream" cars and so certain year models of cars are actually holding value very well. The Supra is another car that comes to mind for the same reasons.