Bart Geerts said:
I have to check on the NSX vin numbers here with HONDA EUROPE in AALST (Belgium), but since all NSX'es are handmade in Japan It would be strange to me that the vinnumbers are different for different parts in the world, normally these vinnumbers depend on the factory(country) that they were build...
No, there is a different VIN sequence for each market (although a "market" can consist of more than one country). For example:
U.S. VIN numbers for the 1991 model year go in sequence MT000001, MT000002, etc. (but the numbers prior to MT000063 were for pre-production cars). Subsequent model years change the "M" to another letter, and start over at 000001.
Canadian VIN numbers for 1991 go in sequence MT800001, MT800002, etc. And they DO overlap U.S. VIN numbers, so there can be a Canadian car with MT800100 and a U.S. car with MT000100. There is no relationship between the two - so, for example, the '91 Canadian cars go up to around MT000380* or so, and the '91 U.S. cars go up to around MT003200 or so. Like the U.S. sequence, subsequent model years change the "M" to another letter, and start over at 000001.
European VIN numbers do not use the 10th digit to designate the model year, since the model year in Europe is determined by when the car is first sold, not by when it is built. The 10th digit is always zero. So therefore European VIN numbers go in sequence 0T000001, 0T000002, etc, and do NOT start over at 0T000001 with each model year.
All NSXs are made at the same plant, in Tochigi.
Bart Geerts said:
My car was on the road the first time in februari 1991, so we can call that very early !!
If your car was built in February 1991 - the U.S. NSXs show the build date on a sticker on the driver's side door jamb - that would put it in the middle of the 1991 production year, not particularly early. My car is about a third of the way through the U.S. VIN sequence, was built in October 1990, and I bought it in December 1990.
*EDIT: Changed this figure to accommodate Tony (see post below).