Fire Extinguisher Mounting ideas for trunk?

20 March 2014
Chicago / Los Angeles
So I've read through the posts on mounting inside the car near the seat on the floor, etc. I'm not interested in that as I don't really track the car, and just want to have it on hand for the extreme case scenario. Has anyone mounted one in the trunk? If so, I'd love some suggestions that don't require any serious modifications to the carpeting, etc. I just want to make sure it is secure back there and doesn't go flying around. My temporary holder is smashing the car cover up against the side of the trunk that the fire extinguisher is resting on.

since they never catch fire no need for the 5 lbs of dead weight. I did have one in my NSX though its gone now but I just screwed it into the carpet a certain way that there was not much weight on the screws/carpet and it stayed never moved.
then when the screws are removed you cant see any holes from the screws.

now I did notice that the heat in the trunk was killing them, one day its in the green then next time you check its below the yellow mark which mean no pressure in the tank I think that's when I just removed it and never looked back

well my 2004 caught fire but that was from a critter crawling into the intake and making a home but that not the NSX's fault LOL
If I don't have one in my Lotus Esprit there's no reason for you to have one in an NSX. :biggrin:
Unless you are running higher hp with flammables like meth on board. And you can never be too safe would be a shame to lose the whole thing in a fire. If your worried about 5 lbs wear lighter shoes and ditch the wallet chain or lay off the burgers or whatever applies. I have mine "tucked" in the lower far right side of trunk under the carpet for fast access. It doesn't slide around at all. Was also considering mounting directly to harness bar. My .02
I agree that the NSX doesn't seem to be a car that catches fire very often, but I guess I'm just super paranoid about random scenarios. I have one in my DeLorean, which does have a history of engine fires, and so I figured I might as well put one in the NSX.

In regard to the tank losing pressure due to the heat in the trunk, what kind of extinguisher did you have? I have a 2.5 pound Halon tank, not sure if that is less susceptible to leakage or not?


since they never catch fire no need for the 5 lbs of dead weight. I did have one in my NSX though its gone now but I just screwed it into the carpet a certain way that there was not much weight on the screws/carpet and it stayed never moved.
then when the screws are removed you cant see any holes from the screws.

now I did notice that the heat in the trunk was killing them, one day its in the green then next time you check its below the yellow mark which mean no pressure in the tank I think that's when I just removed it and never looked back

well my 2004 caught fire but that was from a critter crawling into the intake and making a home but that not the NSX's fault LOL

- - - Updated - - -

This is a great suggestion, and most likely the route I will go. Thanks for the link! :)

Just my .02 cents...if you're thinking about putting an extinguisher in your NSX I'd really consider putting it in the passenger compartment. With the engine where it is if there was to be a fire you may not be able to get to the trunk to get the fire extinguisher out before the damage is too severe or putting yourself in harms way. Also Halon is the way to go as mentioned above. Expensive but won't mess up your electronics.
The one time I needed my extinguisher I'm damn glad I didn't have to fiddle and waste time getting it out of the trunk.........unless of course you have a trunk monkey.....