Fire extinguisher for track event?

22 November 2001
I was going to register for an event at Road America thats being held by the Porsche club in Minnesota. They have a rule that all cars must have a fire extinguisher mounted inside the car with a metal bracket (even stock production cars). I've been to events held by many different clubs and have never heard of such a rule. I'm not about to drill in my interior to mount a fire extinguisher. Even if I had a fire, I would let the corner workers handle it because they would know better than I how to best handle it. Has anyone ever seen such a rule for an event?
Yes. There are two easy solutions:

1. Use a SMALL fire extinguisher with a clip-on bracket mount, write a towel around your passenger door handle, and clip it to that. Make sure you wrap the towel around enough times so the fit is very snug. Note: This may cause Bad Things to happen if you crash the car hard. I would not do this, but I have seen many people do it.

2. Get a fire extinguisher mounting bracket that mounts in front of the passenger seat. Dali Racing and others sell them. Approx $50
I have an excellent alternative mounting bracket that I'm in the process of writing a DIY for. I don't know if it'll be up before your event however. Private me and I can send you pics and measurements.
Not all chapters of PCA require a fire extinguisher; this is specific to this chapter (Nord Stern Chapter), and may be an indication of what to expect at the event. This is the same chapter where one NSX owner (who has not attended NSX Club track events) was observed driving with extremely aggressive behavior (WAY beyond track event norms) and another NSX owner (who is a club member and NSXprime member) totalled his NSX.

Have fun.
I have been toying with a stealth idea for a while and have figured some options. I like stealth because it doesn't advertise that you are a boy racer, and I like things tucked away.

Sure there is Halone etc., but I took a calculated risk (yes Lud .....) and bought a 10" fire extinguisher from HomeDepot. It fits both the glove compartment and the center console. I figured if I had a major fire, my least of worries would be whether the extinguisher was Halon or not .........

I am debating where I want it to be fixed with a velcro wrapped around it while the velcro is screwed into the base of either the glove compartment door or the base of the center console.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Not all chapters of PCA require a fire extinguisher; this is specific to this chapter (Nord Stern Chapter), and may be an indication of what to expect at the event. This is the same chapter where one NSX owner (who has not attended NSX Club track events) was observed driving with extremely aggressive behavior (WAY beyond track event norms) and another NSX owner (who is a club member and NSXprime member) totalled his NSX.

Have fun.

So are you saying these guys are too conservative (like the extinguisher requirement) or that they let things get out of control and don't care about safety (totalled NSX)? My experience with PCA Milwaukee is that the events are very well run.
Hrant - You found a fire extinguisher that will fit in the glove compartment of a late model NSX???? Picture please!
Yes indeedy .......... and I wrap it with my mechanic gloves to secure it from bouncing in the glove compartment of my 98-T, but it fits perfectly in the center console ....

It is 9.5" tall, model PGK 200 by KIDDE rated for BC (liquids/grease and electrical equipment). Check it out at:

I bough it around Christmas from Home Depot (I bought 2), and I believe they were about $10 each .......
This may be a silly question, but we dont need a fire ext. for NSXPO do we?
Perhaps we can get Mark J to make billet brackets for the glove compartment door or one for the console ......

When I am on the track I put in the console, but otherwise its in my glove box.

Mark, you out there ......?

Wow, I was just searching the net for a halon extinguisher. Best price I could find is $135. I was planning on this b/c of the bad things I've read about chemical extinguishers and electrical equipment. But Hrant lists that the Kiddie is coded electrical equipment too. I may have to look at that. . .
While it will put out an electrical fire, any dry chemical extinguisher will corrode the electronics later on. Halon (and it's replacements) are superior in this respect because they do not destroy the electronics a few weeks or months down the road.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 01 August 2002).]
Originally posted by gobble:
So are you saying these guys are too conservative (like the extinguisher requirement) or that they let things get out of control and don't care about safety (totalled NSX)?

I'm saying that they let things get out of control - not so much because of the totalled NSX (which can happen at anyone's event), but because the aggressive driving of the other driver was tolerated.

Originally posted by gobble:
My experience with PCA Milwaukee is that the events are very well run.

I haven't driven with a lot of PCA chapters, but my experience with events at two other chapters (St. Louis and New York) is that they are generally well run.

Originally posted by NetViper:
This may be a silly question, but we dont need a fire ext. for NSXPO do we?

No, and it's not a silly question at all.