finance mags

5 November 2003
Thought I'd bring this up after skimming through the stock mkt thread.

Today I accompanied a family member to some minor surgery.
While in the waiting room I picked up a copy of Kiplinger's and was impressed. It's actually the first time I've seen and read it.

So just out of curiosity, what financial mags do you folks read?

Prior to Kiplingers now (must subscribe) I stick with Smart Money and Forbes.
Good question Beeker,
I used to subscribe to Kiplingers, Smart Money, Money and Bloomberg. They were all good mags and very informative in regards to whats HAPPENED in the stock markets, but for info on what is going to happen or which hot market sector or stock is going to be the next good thing....I didnt get anything useful (nor was I expecting too)

I stopped reading all of them because I didnt like the slants they would put on stories or biases (either positive or negative)

Thats why I dont watch CNBC either.

The things Im really into now are the economic indicators (MM1-3, employment, retail sales, ISM numbers, sentiment.....) but those are to help me verify the large trends and the economy as a whole.
NowSeeX's, what news service do you use for real-time news? As a futures trader, you know how these economic numbers can cause spikes in the S&Ps. ES went from 1020 to 1032 in no time a month or so ago when the employment #s were released.

I currently subscribe to but their service is not quick enough.

Smart Money
Wall Street Journal
All of them sit by one of the toilets and are rarely read.

Did anyone see the story about the postal worker that was reading finance magazines ahead of delivering them? He was charged with insider trading.
steveny said:
Did anyone see the story about the postal worker that was reading finance magazines ahead of delivering them? He was charged with insider trading.
That's kinda messed up. These days all the important news is released on the web before Print, so I don't know how they charged him with insider trading. Weird.