Finally !!!!

30 December 2005
Corona, California
Hello everyone. I finally pulled the trigger and got my self an NSX YAHOO!!! have been looking for over a year worldwide and found the perfect one right in my own back yard, well less than ten miles from my backyard here in Corona CA.

91 Red / Blk. Auto.

I know, I know "AUTO" that should start some crap, but I really love it.....

137K but very very clean so clean the miles didn't bother me one little bit...have to believe that the engine and drivetrain were taken care of as well as the rest of the car...100% bone stock and everything works as new.

I'd attach a picture but haven't figured that part out "YET"

Looking forward to meeting some of you local NSR'ers.
Congratulations, i'm glad you found what you were looking for and close by. Enjoy yourself and get those pics online.


And, don't sweat the auto. I debated on whether or not to get an auto. Now that I have an auto (LA Traffic sucks) I'm glad I got it.

See you around!
Congtatulations on your new car. Have black 91 auto also. Call me, if you would. Curious about some of their traits. Such a small number of these,
it is difficult to find out much about them, other than old posts in Prime. 270-362-7010
Thanks to all...

Hey Shifty where you at in Corona? Do you do the every other Thursday thing in the IE?
First of all, Congratulations! It's a nice feeling eh?

Secondly, you said:

Ruddyduck said:
have been looking for over a year worldwide.

Really??? WORLDWIDE???

Or is that "world wide" as in US only "World Series Baseball" world wide... ? :smile:
Ruddyduck said:
Hey Shifty where you at in Corona? Do you do the every other Thursday thing in the IE?

I actually live in Norco (but not many people know where Corona is, much less Norco). I live on the border of Corona/Norco at River/Corydon. I was not aware of a local Thursday run in the IE. My car is supposed to be here on Friday, so as soon as it is, I'm always down for a meet...
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:tongue: Never heard of the the NSX YAHOO model before :tongue: :tongue:

J/K I think YAHOO means auto-- I know- cause I got one too :tongue: congrats on the ride!!!